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台湾微电子产业发展迅速,自台工业研究院电子所1977年从美国RCA引进7微米(μm)的MOS生产技术不到20年时间,1995年台湾信息产业已跃居世界第三位,仅次于美国,日本。而集成电路产业近年以50%的速率增长,已成为世界第四大半导体工业基地。集成电路总产值1994年为12.3亿美元,占1994年电子工业的10.9%,IC产值/GDP已达0.51%。新建的八英寸0.5μm和0.35μm技术的生产线共有15条,总投资为3390亿台币(也有报道说19条生产线,总投资4100亿—编辑注),相当于125亿美元,月产8”片38.4 Taiwan’s microelectronics industry has developed rapidly. Since its introduction in 1977, the Institute of Electronics Industry Research Institute of Taiwan’s Industrial Research Institute has introduced 7 micron (μm) MOS production technology from the US RCA for less than 20 years. In 1995, the Taiwan’s information industry has ranked third in the world. In the United States, Japan. The IC industry has grown at a rate of 50% in recent years and has become the fourth largest semiconductor industrial base in the world. The total output value of integrated circuits in 1994 was 1.23 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 10.9% of the electronics industry in 1994, and the IC output value/GDP had reached 0.51%. The new eight-inch 0.5-μm and 0.35-μm technology production lines totaled 15, with a total investment of 339 billion TWD (there are also reports of 19 production lines with a total investment of 410 billion — editor’s note), equivalent to US$ 12.5 billion, and a monthly production of 8′′. 38.4
从产业经济学划分产业的两个标准出发,分析了信息产业与信息设备制造业的差异,得出了信息设备制造业不属于信息产业的结论。 From the industrial economics division of th
英语翻译技巧(30)涂学忠(化工部北京橡胶工业研究设计院100039)1.2MATERIALSReferenceshouldbemadetothechangesthathavetakenplaceovertheyearsinthematerialsu... English translation skills (30) Tu Xuezhong (Beijing Rubber Industry Research & Design Institute, Ministry of
海尔集团成为亚洲第一家荣获国际星级服务顶级荣誉——“五星钻石奖”的企业 1996年9月,中国最小的“迷你型”自动洗衣机——海尔“小小神童”面世了。被中国家电测试中心的