蒙山县位于广西东部、梧州市北部,是广西49个老、少、边、山、穷县之一。蒙山县是一个农业县,过去由于缺乏工业和龙头企业的带动,农业开发长期徘徊在低水平上,没有形成高效发展的产业链,财政增长乏力,农民增收缓慢,经济基础尤其是工业基础十分薄弱。困境面前,蒙山县委、县政府为了早日甩掉贫困县的帽子,缩小与先进县(市)的差距,作出了“农业强县、工业立县、三产富县”的战略构想,举全县之力,大力推进招商引资工作。领导重视群众支持 2004年是蒙山的招商引资年、项目建设年,也是一个决战年。全县确定38个建设项目,其中列入梧州市三百项目大会战的有18个,从县委书记、县长到四家班子都落实了任务。每位领导成员负责联系、洽
Located in the eastern part of Guangxi and the northern part of Wuzhou, Mengshan County is one of 49 counties of Guangxi, less, side, mountain and poor counties. In the past, due to the lack of industrial and leading enterprises, the development of agriculture was hovering at a low level for a long time and there was no efficient industrial chain formed. Fiscal growth was sluggish and the peasants’ incomes were slow. The economic base, especially the industrial base, was very high weak. In the face of difficulties, Mengshan County Committee and County Government made a strategic plan of “agriculture strong county, industrial county and tertiary industry rich county” in order to get rid of the hat of poverty-stricken counties as soon as possible and narrow the gap with advanced counties (cities) County power, vigorously promote investment work. Leaders attach importance to the masses to support 2004 is the Mengshan investment year, the project construction year, but also a decisive year. The county identified 38 construction projects, including Wuzhou City, three hundred projects in the General Assembly battle 18, from the county party secretary, county magistrate to the four teams have implemented the task. Each leading member is responsible for contact and contact