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晋人尺牍一般都有专门的书式语词,即于起结处书发信日期、发信人、具礼语词(顿首、白、报等),其程序为“月日名白……姓名白”(略称“月日名白”),此为尺牍常见书式。一般来说,寄给远方的亲友是需要署日期名字的,《十七帖》中大部分书翰是王羲之寄其友周抚者,前居浙东,后守西蜀,相距甚远,他们之间的信函是应该有“月日名白”的,但《十七帖》中29帖中却无一帖署有日期姓名。那么,晚唐张彦远《右军书记》题词中所记“长一丈二尺、一百七行、九百四十二字”的“贞观中内本”是真迹还是被“加工”过的摹本?《右军书记》中收录的20条帖文是否据“贞观中内本”过录?张彦远真见过“贞观中内本”吗?褚遂良是否对《十七帖》作了“改动”编辑?通过本文考论,笔者形成以下几个观点:现存馆本《十七帖》并不是其最初的原始形状。馆本、《右军书记》著录本与“贞观中内本”都存在阙“月日名白”现象,因而可推定均非出自真迹本,而很可能是来自于已被“改动”和“编辑”过的某一流传系统。 Jin ruler 牍 generally have a special book-style words, that is, at the end of the book letter from the date, the sender, with ritual words (Dayton, white, newspaper, etc.), the procedure for the “ ”(Abbreviated “ month and day name white ”), this is a common book style. In general, sent to distant relatives and friends is the need to date the name of the Department, most of the seventeen posts in the book John is Wang Xizhi sent his friends, formerly occupy the eastern Zhejiang Province, after keeping Xushu, far apart, they There should be a letter between the “name” on the “day”, but the “seventeen” in the 29 posts without a Post Office has a date name. Well, in the late Tang Zhang Yan Yuan, “Secretary of the Right Army,” wrote in the inscription “Long Zhangjiao two feet, one hundred and seven lines, nine hundred and forty words” and “Zhenguanzhongzhongben” is authentic or “ ”Copy“? ”Right Army secretary“ included in the 20 posts is whether ”Zhenguan in this book “ over record? Zhang Yan Yuan really seen Seventeen posts ”made “ changes ”edit? Through this textual research, the author formed the following viewpoints: The existing library“ seventeen posts ”is not its original original shape. It is presumed that there is a phenomenon of Que, “month, day, and white” phenomenon in the books of the “Military Academy” and “The Book of the Right Army” “Change” and “edit” some of the system.
地处中国西部的四川省,虽然在“十一五”期间遭受了汶川大地震的重创,但是2006年~2009年间,全省生产总值分别增长13.5%、14.5%、11%、14 5%:2010年上半年,全省地区生产总值(GD