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1956年初冬,我被北京中国书法研究社破格接纳为社员,从此正式厕身于中国书法家们的行列。那年,我刚满19岁,论学识,说资历,哪里够得上什么“家”呢,就是想争取到能够拜识真正的书法家,以便于更好地学习写字,经常得到前辈们教诲的好条件。我被书社收容,应该首先感念曾在那里主事的郑诵先老先生的不弃驽钝和偏爱愚稚,他老人家在当时很赞叹我在《入社申请书》中所写关于申请入社动机的一句话,说是“为了继 In the early winter of 1956, I was accepted as a member by the Beijing Chinese Calligraphy Research Institute and was formally in the ranks of Chinese calligraphers. That year, I just turned 19 years old, on the knowledge, said qualifications, where to get what ”home “ is just trying to get to know the real calligraphers, in order to better learn to write, often get predecessors Good teaching conditions. When I was accepted by the bookshop, I should first of all be grateful to the old gentleman Zheng Reclamation who had been there, stupid and partial, and at that time, the elderly admired what I said in my Application for Admission about the motivation for joining the society. Yes ”In order to continue
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