Research on Skills and Strategies in Reading Teaching

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  【Abstract】: Skills and strategies in this paper are discussed from two perspectives, which are needed to be learned by both language teachers and language learners. On one side, there are teaching methods which value the strategies as something of great importance and promote the teaching of strategies in reading. Students can master some reading skills and strategies. On the other side, the teaching of reading requires the skills and strategies of teachers in carrying out teaching practices. This paper seeks to explore the skills and strategies from these two sides.
  【Key words】: reading teaching; reading skills and strategies; teaching skills and strategies
  1. Introduction
  Broughton (1978) advocates that readers need to be able to understand patterns of relationships between words, to have a clear understanding of the grammatical relationships, to discover the architecture of a passage, to be aware of the author’s attitude and purpose, and to make some kinds of evaluation of the texts one reads. Reading is not a passive process of merely translating the meaning from words to words, sentences to sentences. And different ways of reading such as extensive reading and intensive reading have different functions and require different reading skills and strategies. For example, intensive reading is usually adopted when reading shorter texts or extracting specific information, which is aimed at reading for detail while extensive reading usually involves global understanding. However, different ways of reading are not mutually exclusive. Good readers need to have a grasp of when to use the right strategies and cultivate good reading habits and skills. Good teachers need to be familiarized with these skills and strategies and what’s more, to master the strategies of reading teaching and the skills to teach well.
  2. Reading Skills and Strategies
  Reading involves a variety of skills. The main ones are listed below, which is taken from John Munby’s Communicative Syllabus Design.
  Recognizing the script of a language; deducing the meaning and use of unfamiliar lexical items; understanding explicitly stated information; understanding information when not explicitly stated; understanding conceptual meaning; understanding the communicative value (function) of sentences and utterances; understanding relations within the sentence; understanding relations between the parts of a text through lexical cohesion devices; understanding cohesion between parts of a text though grammatical cohesion devices; interpreting text by going outside it; recognizing indicators in discourse; identifying the main point or important information in a piece of discourse; distinguishing the main idea from supporting details; extracting salient points to summarize (the text, an idea etc.); selective extraction of relevant points from a text; basic reference skills; skimming; scanning to locate specifically required information; transcoding information to diagrammatic display.   Different kinds of skills perform different functions. The skills can be used to identify the topic; predict and guess. They can serve the function of reading for general understanding; reading for specific information and reading for detailed information.
  3. Skills and Strategies in Reading Teaching
  3.1 Research on teaching strategies applicable to different circumstances
  On new words in reading: While reading, students will naturally come across some new words. When this happens, the teacher should ask them to keep on reading instead of consulting dictionaries right away, for the context might tell what the words mean. This is called a context clue.
  On extensive reading: Students should be told to read quickly, without translating the words into Chinese or their mother tongue, so that they can develop the ability to respond automatically to the meaning of the words and phrases they read. In addition, the teacher should teach students to identify the function of sentences in the paragraph.
  On dealing with students having low expectations of reading: Sometimes students may feel that they are not going to understand the passage in the book because it is bound to be difficult. Such attitudes are often due to previous unhappy or unsuccessful experiences. When students have low expectation of reading, it will be the teacher’s job to persuade them to change these negative expectations into realistic optimism.
  4. Reading Activities
  In regards to reading task models, the DART (Directed Activities Related to Text) model was introduced by Davies and Green (1981). Within this model, there are two different task types, reconstruction activities and analysis activities. Reconstruction activities require the reader to reconstruct a text, such as diagram completion in which students can predict deleted labels using text and other diagrams as sources, and prediction in which students predict what happens next. Analysis activities require the reader to transform the information in the text such as underlying or highlighting in which students search for target words or phrases that relate to one aspect of content. Davies (1995) argues that good reading tasks typically make use of authentic and challenging texts; provide students with a topical framework for processing and analyzing the text; absorb the students in direct analysis of the text instead of indirect question answering; frequently involve the transfer of information from text to a visual or diagrammatic representation. Through active reading tasks, students can make their hypotheses explicit; alternative interpretations of hypotheses can be discussed and evaluated by other students and students can learn to be critical in their reading of a text; students will ask questions about what they do not know instead of answering questions to which they know the answers or which may be seen as irrelevant; if necessary, the teacher can adopt a role of informant rather than inquisitor.   4.1 Three Main Types of Reading Activities
  Reading activities can be classified into three subtypes, pre-reading activities, while reading-activities and post-reading activities.
  Pre-reading activities are: (1) predicting by the title; (2) predicting through vocabulary; (3) predicting by means of True/False questions; (4) introducing cultural background.
  While-reading activities are: (1) skimming; (2) scanning; (3)asking questions; (4)finding out the topic sentence; (5)getting the main idea from the context; (6)making inferences; (7) reading the author’s definition.
  Post-reading activities are: (1) discussion; (2) reproducing the text (3) role-play; (4) gap-filling; (5) writing.
  Apart from the activities in class, students need to do more outside reading. Computer-assisted testing can be used in reading teaching. There are on-computer test, off-computer test and on-line test. Corpora linguistics can provide us with great help. A corpus is a collection of materials that has been made for a particular purpose, which can be used to analyze linguistic features of textbooks or reading materials. There are some websites in which learners can read on-line newspapers and magazines. There are a lot of literature works available on the Internet. Some of the websites are listed here: Http://,; Http:// We can apply use of the Internet to foreign language teaching and learning for reading.
  [1]Francoise Grellet. Developing Reading Skills[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
  [2]Florence Davies and Terry Greene. Directed Activities Related to Text: Text Analysis and Text Reconstruction[J]. Eric. 1981.
  [3]John Munby. Communicative Syllabus Design[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
  [4]Langan, J. Reading and Study Skills[M]. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986.
【摘要】:作文的最终目的是训练学生的初步写作能力,而平时的作文写作是为了及时了解学生的书面语言运用能力。如果学生没有材料和语言的积累,缺乏生活感悟,平时疏于练笔,那么学生作文无从下笔的难题就难以解决。小学作文教学应该切实从基本语言训练抓起,培养学生独立的写作能力,不让孩子输在语文能力的起跑线上,成长为能灵活运用汉语写作的高素质人才。  【关键词】:小学语文;作文教学;素材积累;语言积累;练笔  小
【摘要】:小学时期的儿童正处于身体和心理发育的关键时期,这一时期是儿童思想品德的塑造期,也是帮助他们形成初步的善恶美丑的价值取向的重要阶段,对他们未来的世界观、人生观、价值观的形成都有重要影响。运用约翰·洛克《教育漫话》中的教育理念和教育方法针对小学德育工作提出自己的建议。  【关键词】:教育漫话;小学生;德育  《教育漫话》是17世纪由英国约翰·洛克所著的教育名著,也是世界五大教育名著之一,对现
【摘要】:人类社会已进入信息化时代,飞速发展的信息技术几乎渗透到了日常生活的每一个细节。随之而来的,便是教育的信息化改革。学校作为培养人才的主要机构,更应当与时俱进,将信息技术充分的运用到教学活动中,为传统的教学活动注入新的活力,从而开拓出一条通向未来的崭新的道路。本文着重就中职语文教学的信息化问题谈一谈自己的一些浅见。  【关键词】:中职语文;信息化   小平同志三十多年前就曾说过:教育要面向现
引言  《魏武将见匈奴使》是《大学语文》中的经典篇目,设计精妙、引人入胜、起伏跌宕。本课的教学设计是引导学生分析微型小说的佳作《魏武将见匈奴使》,领悟小说形式短小精悍,语言简练晓畅,善用个性化的言行表现人物神态等独特魅力,并在此基础上讨论“何为英雄”的衍生性话题,让学生树立正确的英雄观。  【教学重点】  通过对《世说新语》人物分析,让学生把握刘义庆塑造的“曹操”和“崔季珪”的形象特点。  【教学
【摘要】:目标程序五步教学法是指在有关教育理论指导下,构建起的一种以教师为引导、以学习者主体参与为核心,以学习者“学”为目标的课堂教学方法。本文作者结合三年教学实践,其能充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,促进了教师的课堂教学方式的转变,科研能力和协作能力逐步提高,使学校学风建设初见成效。  【关键词】:高中化学教学;教学方式;教学方法;目标程序五步教学法  一、引言  “授人以鱼,不如授人以渔;授
【摘要】:在信息化时代,翻转课堂作为一种新型的教学模式应运而生。文章介绍了翻转课堂教学模式的概念,将传统课堂与翻转课堂进行各个方面的对比,并从翻转课堂实施的条件、实施的过程来阐述翻转课堂在英语教学中的实施,最后总结了翻转课堂教学模式的优势和不足,并得出结论。  【关键词】:翻转课堂;传统课堂;实施;优势;不足  一、引言  传统纸质教材是在教学中最广泛使用的教材,但随着信息技术时代的来临,传统教材
【摘要】:2015年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试英语试卷,试题考查的知识覆盖面广,信息量大,话题的内容基于教学实际和学生生活,考查学生的基础知识和语言运用能力。本文介绍了试卷的基本情况,与往年的问卷做了比较,并详细地分析了中考英语的各个题型,包括听力、语音语法词汇、阅读和写作,并针对各个题型,给出了学生相应的考试策略,并对教师的教学给出了启示。  【关键词】:试卷;基本情况;题型;考试策略;教学启示
在实施课改的大背景下,现在的高中课堂教学在逐步发生着些潜移默化的改变,而这些改变在我们的教学各方各面的过程中必须可控而且必须向着我们所需要的方向去发生,但是在这一过程中难免会有许许多多各种各样的问题存在,而我在此就浅谈现在生物课堂上的教学效率的现状与提升。  一、现状有较为明显改变  在课改后,尤其是在高考试题从四川卷向全国卷转型过程中,课堂教学模式明显发生了改变,从从前我们老师“一言堂”逐渐给学