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大江荡着一叶扁舟,我在天边航行。云海伴着万缕霞光,我在新世纪的入口处航行。一路风帆浪舸,两岸雾树烟村;生活的浪花溅出太阳和月亮,溅出眨着眼睛的星星。甩掉我臂膀上的汗珠,捧出我古铜色的豪情! There is a boat in the river, and I sail on the horizon. The sea of ​​clouds is accompanied by a thousand rays of sunshine. I sail at the entrance of the new century. All the way to the waves, the two sides of the fog tree smoke village; life waves splashed out of the sun and the moon, splashing eyes staring. Get rid of the sweat on my arm and take my bronze pride!
one day Mrs Green,an old woman went shopping by herself.On herway home,a car knocked her and she had to be in hospital. The next day thedriver came to see her
(保留原试题序号)Ⅱ.GrammarDirections:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C, and D.Choose the one answer that best complet
Teacher:Tom,do you know what’s the meaning of “Don’t trouble trouble till trouble troubles you”?Tom:It means you’d better not raise your bands if you can
(A) A teacher asked his students to do a good thing each day.The nextday,he asked three students: Teacher:What good thing did you do yesterday,Jack? Jack:I hel
A lady lost her purse,and a young man picked it up and gave itback to her. When the lady was checking her purse,she said,“It’s strange!When the purse was los
AOne day a passenger took a taxi.Once inside,he patted thedriver on the shoulder,for he wanted to ask him about something.Butto his surprise, the driver got so
Ted worked in a factory in a big town.He worked hard from Monday toFriday,and on weekends he usually went fishing.He liked fishing and wasvery good at it.Very
Mother:Mike,go and see if the lights havebeen turned off in the sitting room? Mike:I don’t dare to…… Mother:Why? Mike:Because it is too dark there. No Brake