Grinning All the Time

来源 :中学生英语读写(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijx
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A lady lost her purse,and a young man picked it up and gave itback to her. When the lady was checking her purse,she said,“It’s strange!When the purse was lost,there was only one note of 20 yuan in it,butnow.there aye 20 notes of one yuan!” The youth said,“It’s something like this:last time I picked upalady’s purse,she had no changes to give me back for thanks.” A lady lost her purse,and a young man picked it up and gave itback to her. When the lady was checking her purse,she said,“It’s strange!When the purse was lost,there was only one note of 20 yuan in it ,butnow.there aye 20 notes of one yuan!” The youth said,“It’s something like this:last time I picked upalady’s purse,she had no changes to give me back for thanks.”
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