Krashen's Input Hypothesis and College English Teaching

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  【Abstract】Krashen's Input Hypothesis assumes that learners will acquire language best when they are given the appropriate input, which puts emphasis on the two necessary conditions of the language learner, i.e. comprehensible input and a low affective filter. The theory also has significant enlightenment to the improvement of our college English teaching.
  【Key words】Krashen input hypothesis English teaching comprehensible input
  Ⅰ. Introduction
  Krashen's input hypothesis is a very important theory in second language acquisition. It assumes that learners will acquire language best when they are given the appropriate input, known as the comprehensible input. The theory is meaningful to formal instruction and can bring some helpful enlightenment to the improvement of the existing formal English teaching.
  Ⅱ. Krashen’s input hypothesis
  The input hypothesis is the core of Krashen's theory, better known nowadays as the comprehensible input hypothesis. It claims that L2 acquisition takes place when learners are exposed to comprehensible input, i.e., input whose content is comprehensible to them but whose linguistic forms are slightly in advance of their current level of ability, namely, level i+1. Krashen claims that if the input is at the level of i+1, learners can understand most of the language but are still challenged to make progress. To Krashen, L2 development is a matter of quantitative accumulation: the more comprehensible input one receives, the greater progress one makes in acquisition.
  However, comprehensible input hypothesis is not the sufficient condition for second language acquisition. Krashen also claims that optimal acquisition will take place in contexts where the “affective filter” is low. The affective filter prevents or blocks input necessary to acquisition. Anxious, tense, angry or bored acquirers have a high affective filter which prevents acquisition. A low affective filter is desirable. Acquirers who are motivated, relaxed and have a good self'image and self'confidence are more receptive to the input they receive. Therefore, second language acquisition should satisfy two conditions: comprehensible input and low affective filter.
  Ⅲ. Application of Krashen’s input hypothesis in college English teaching
  According to Krashen’s comprehensible input hypothesis, acquisition occurs when learners understand messages that are just beyond their current stage of development. Contemporarily or even currently, however, classroom L2 teaching is now marked by output practice in the form of speaking, writing and grammar exercises. Students are encouraged to speak or write just after they have got minimum amount of listening or reading input. On the basis of minimum input, students are required to produce maximum output, thus the equality between input and output is broken.   The case for comprehensible input is especially compelling in my listening'speaking class. And sometimes I face dilemma when trying to give my students comprehensible input. They attend the listening'speaking class because they can’t understand spoken English very well and are afraid to open their mouths to speak English, so how can I make them comprehend a lot of spoken input? Giving them tapes to listen to doesn’t seem to be much of an answer. If they don’t understand a passage, listening to it for hours just gives them hours of incomprehensible input. Of course, anything that is understood will probably be reinforced to a certain degree, but the rest will remain uncomprehended. What’s worse, without understanding the listening material, how can they open their mouths to talk about related topics given after the material?
  So each time we have a listening'speaking class, for the listening part I give them written clues that would elucidate the background and some difficult points of the listening materials, but not all the materials. Some more challenging parts remain unknown to them yet whose contents are closely related to clues given. This method makes the listening materials a lot easier to understand and results in much better comprehension in much of their listening task. And then their interest naturally turns to the remaining difficult part. With the knowledge they have already obtained, they find it a joy to work out the rough meaning and even the exact words in the subsequent repeated listening. For the speaking task, understanding the listening material makes it easier to talk about the related topics.
  However, comprehensible input is not enough. As is mentioned in the Input Hypothesis, optimal acquisition will take place in contexts where the “affective filter” is low. That is to say, the best language development occurs in environments where the learner has low anxiety and is not worried about “saving face”. Therefore, I take every effort to lower students' “affective filter” in my class. I communicate with students and acquire after what they are interested in and what kind of teaching methods they are expecting. I try my best to foster the foreign cultural background for students to understand the foreign language environment, such as telling stories about customs, lifestyles, ways of communication, policies and histories of English'speaking countries. If possible, I create some real life settings for students to make conversations. Also, I play videos or films for students to enjoy and get into the language habits, or invite foreign teachers to give lectures about foreign cultures, and so on.   In short, I do my utmost to make every class learnable and every student willing to learn. In this way, students achieve the maximum understanding, which itself proves that Krashen is right in saying L2 acquistion occurs, when learners understand messages that are just one step beyond their current stage of development, in contexts where the “affective filter” is low.
  Ⅳ. Conclusion
  Krashen’s input hypothesis is an important theory in second language acquisition. It emphasizes that language acquisition should satisfy two conditions, namely, comprehensible input and low affective filter. The above mentioned work of my own has made it clear that although it is a theory on second language acquisition, it has significant enlightenment to the improvement of our second language teaching.
  [1]Krashen, S.D. The Input Hypothesis [M].New York: Longman. Inc. 1985.
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  [3]Van Patten B. Explicit Instruction and Input Processing [J].Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1994. (15): 225-41.
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输入、内化到输出是英语新授课的常规环节,这三个环节能否高效进行,决定着一堂课教学目标能否有效实现。我对如何提高这三个英语教学的基本环节的有效性进行了长期的探索和实践,并有了自己独特的操作方略和感悟,已逐渐形成了与这三个环节相对应的“激知、激趣、激情”的课堂教学模式。  前不久,我有幸参加了“浙派名师”义务教育英语经典课堂教学第3届观摩活动暨浙、宁、沪长三角英语课堂教学展示活动,我的授课内容为《Go
我最近十年一直在从事高三英语教学, 担任高三英语备课组长五年。在这十年中,我收获了很多,我也反思了很多,我们的教学由原来的老师为主体的“满堂灌”,“填鸭式”的应试教育变成了以学生为主体老师为指导的素质教育,但知识在不断地更新,我们每个教师的力量和知识毕竟是有限的,所以我认为发挥每个英语老师的特长,加强英语集体备课, 打造一个优秀备课集体对一个学校的整体的英语教学有着非常重大的意义。  一、集体备课
初中英语教学过程中鲜有教师注重口语训练,初中生的口语能力普遍较差。新课程标准的出台要求教师在教学过程中更注重培养学生的综合素质以及应用能力,这样的要求在英语方面的体现就是要求加强英语的口语训练,使学生具备在日常生活中的英语交际能力。本文将针对中学生的身心特点,提供关于初中英语课堂口语训练的具体教学策略。  1.初中课堂口语训练的内容在源于教材的同时要高于教材  初中英语教材中的英文课文是较为基本的
【摘要】本文探讨小学英语教学与日常生活的融合,试图探索提高英语教学的效率的有效路径。  【关键词】小学英语 日常英语 生活化  英语课程目标明确指出:“基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。”小学英语是基础的基础,“培养学生的综合语言运用能力”是教师义不容辞的责任,但这个责任有其具体的要求,对于听、说、读、写的要求显然是从学生年龄特点入手,主要强调学生的听说反应能力,强调口语
【摘要】当前,在高中英语教学中,英语写作一直是一个比较棘手的问题,不论对教师还是对学生来说,英语写作普遍存在着一定的难度。本文就从教学实际出发,谈一谈高中英语写作研究的特点与发展趋势,以期能够为高中英语写作教学提供一些帮助。  【关键词】高中 英语写作 研究的特点 发展趋势  高中英语学习当中,学生们普遍对英语写作感到力不从心,这也是学生最薄弱的一个环节。许多高中生在英语写作时用词肤浅、句式重复,
英语现在已成为学生走向社会的一种必备技能。而英语的运用是以口语运用为主,因此,在新课程标准下的英语教学中,我们教师不仅仅要做好书本上基础知识的教学,还要注重提高学生的口语能力,使学生能够充分利用自己学习的英语知识。笔者现针对初中英语口语教学现状谈谈自己的认识和看法。  一、初中英语口语教学中存在的问题  1.受应试导向的影响,在我们所教的这套教材中并没有系统地设置语音项目,并且在考试中并未设立口语