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  1960年 意大利罗马奥运会冠军
  1964年2月25日 战胜索尼•利斯顿,获WBA重量级拳王
  1974年10月30日 战胜乔治•福尔曼,重夺WBA重量级拳王
  1978年9月15日 战胜斯平克斯,重夺WBF重量级拳王金腰带
  1981年12月11日 阿里最后一场拳击赛,负于特雷沃尔•博比克
  2005年11月9日 在美国首都华盛顿,美国总统布什授予阿里“总统自由勋章”

  Holding onto my innocence1 as I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s was difficult. I began to recognize the injustice of segregation2 around me.
  One of my first encounters with prejudice happened when I was too young. My mother and I were standing at a bus stop. It was a hot day and I was thirsty, so we walked up the block to a small diner, where she asked if she could have a cup of water for her son. The man said he could not help us and closed the door in our faces. I can only imagine the pain my mother felt when she tried to find the words to explain why the man would not give me a glass of water. Even during these times my mother would say, “Hating is wrong, no matter who does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.”
  At that early age, I could see that something was very wrong. I didn’t understand it. When I looked in the mirror I thought that my skin was beautiful, I was proud of the color of my complexion, but there were many black people who didn’t want to be black anymore. Indeed, nothing good reflected our image. Superman was white, Santa Claus was white. They even made Tarzan, king of the jungle3 in Africa, a white man. I noticed that Miss America was always white, and the president living in the White House was white, too. We didn’t have any hero who looked like us. Even pictures of Jesus Christ and all the angels were always white. On the contrary, everything black was considered bad, and undesirable.
   These may have been subtle messages, but the effects were profound. Every day these messages shaped the images that I and other nonwhite children had of ourselves. I didn’t know how, but I knew that I was going to help my people. Somehow, I was going to make a difference in the world. The more injustice that I saw, the stronger my feelings grew. It made me feel that I was here for a reason. Despite the fact that my heart could harden in a world with so much pain, confusion, and injustice, I knew that if I were going to survive, I could not become bitter. I would have to love even those who could not give it in return. I would have to learn to forgive even those who would not—or my soul would wither away.
  1.innocence [5InEsns] n. 无知;单纯
  2.segregation [7segrI5geIFEn] n. 种族隔离
  3.jungle[5dVQNgl] n. 丛林;密林
麻省理工学院建立于1861年,它的师生队伍里面曾经有76人获得诺贝尔奖、50人获美国国家科学奖、35人赢得麦克阿瑟奖,大名鼎鼎的费曼、丁肇中、贝聿铭、钱学森等都曾在这里工作或学习过。  麻省理工曾经被人们的传言给搞得妖魔化了,比如“教室里的学生个个睡眼惺忪,几乎从来不睡觉”,“能进麻省理工的不是天才就是疯子”……而事实上,当你走进麻省理工或者其他任何一所世界名校,里面的学生和教授都是实实在在、有血
“字”的本义并不是字。“字”在上古,是“在屋内生孩子”的意思,与今天文字的“字”没有关系。“字”算是一个文字化石,从古到今,字形都没有多大变化,这个象形字形象得很:一座房屋里有个刚刚出生的孩子。   《说文解字》说:“字,乳也。”《广雅》解释:“字,生也。”后来,王充在《论衡·气寿》中载:“妇人疏字者子活,数乳者子死。”随着时间的推移,“字”字又有了“怀孕”等引申义。   既然“字”的本义是“
古代政府中掌管火事的部门早已有之,周朝时称司煊、司耀,宋朝有军巡铺和防隅,元明时期出现了“救火兵丁”,清朝初年有“防范火班”。到了清光绪二十八(1902)年,“消防”一词从日本传入我国,消防队之称才诞生了。   我国最早意义上的专职消防队出现在宋朝,宋仁宗即位后,制定了严密的防火措施,挑选精干军士,建立军巡铺。为激励消防队员在灭火中奋力向前,宋朝政府还制定了严格的奖惩制度:对那些勇敢灭火的“
1.我叫紫末,是紫蝶国的公主。三百年前的我,心水清明,婀娜多姿。父王母后对我爱如珍宝,特派本国巫师教我各种法术。那一日,巫师喝多了花露,醉了。她一时兴起,违背教规,偷偷授我紫蝶国传男不传女的飞天术,学会此术,只需轻煽翅膀便可一日千里。但正是这飞天之术,让我从此万劫不复。    2.那一日,我趁父王母后外出,一个人偷偷飞上云霄。不知飞了多久,听见绵软的云层下面传来一阵琴音,如泣如诉,声声勾魂,将我生
息影11年的叶德娴复出拍摄许鞍华执导的《桃姐》,结果在威尼斯影展中击败奥斯卡“影后”凯特?温丝莱特封后。63岁的叶德娴却称对得奖以平常心看待,不会特别庆祝,回家最想做的事是洗澡、收拾房子。这样的女人,能经历岁月的打磨,而后像钻石一样发光——对于你来说,你想做一个什么样的人?你的光芒会在什么时候绽放呢?    1.很小的时候就知道自己想做一个什么样的人   是的→ 2 没有→3     
I don’t remember when I was born. All I know is that my first cradle has been an oak leaf and that the light filtered through the branches has tenderly caressed me. I was only a little acorn1 but the
“我”几乎花费了一生的时间来解释自己的状况,但是假如人们相信有四只耳朵如同有四只眼睛一样正常,那么“我”早就一点烦恼也没有了。  My mother was the only one who could understand my gibberish1, so before I entered Kindergarten, she took me to an audiologist2, who co
我无意将瓷娃娃身后的价格标签翻转过来。就在那里,在标签的另一面印着几个字,那是这个瓷娃娃的名字:琳达。  Linda was more of a best friend than a cousin. We shared nearly everything—except her passion for collecting porcelain1 dolls. Linda collected more
一天夜里,一个小男孩的愿望终于实现了——他企盼到了一个完美的冰场。这也许是他收到的最好的冬日礼物。    It was a January evening on our farm in rural Saskatchewan. Snow banks piled high against the house, faintly glowing in the moonlight. Time to tuck
在美国运动员中,鲁伦加德纳被人们认为是最不可能成为焦点的人;然而,这位名不见经传的选手竟在2000年悉尼奥运会上摔倒了有“西伯利亚熊”之称的三届奥运会冠军卡列林(Aleksandr Karelin),创造了奥运会古罗马式角力的奇迹。究竟是什么给了他无穷的力量呢?    Cows have to be milked twice a day, so work on a farm never stops