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  Then one spring Saturday two years later, I entered a bookstore in Philadelphia and asked a young woman on a ladder where I might find the Shakespeare sonnets1 I needed for an English class.
  She looked down and told me where to find the poetry section. I thanked her, found the volume2 and left the store.
  At the end of my English class a few weeks later, I walked into the hall and saw the bookstore clerk leaving a nearby classroom. I remembered her wheat-colored hair, her warm voice and intelligent green eyes.
  She saw me and smiled in recognition3.
  “The girl on the ladder,” I said when I reached each other.
  “The Shakespeare sonnets.”
  “Do you always remember the books people ask you about?”
  “If the people are memorable.”
  I smiled at that.
  We were both heading for other classes, but ex-changed names before parting.
  I ran into Susan often after that, and we usually said hello or joked and then went on our way. Some-times we met behind the campus library and sat in the shade of the sycamore4 trees, talking and loafing. If she failed to show, that was all right. We were just friend passing time, and I preferred it that way. After the an-guish5 of Jayne, I was wary6 of opening up to anyone.
  One afternoon, however, our talk found its way to our parents.
  “You would like my mother, I think,” I said, “but my father’s dead since I was 11.” I had not intended to mention something that I rarely divulged7, even to close friends, and I nearly wished I had keep silent about it.
  Susan touched my arm.
  “It’s been a while,” I said.
  “I’m still sorry.” A darkness crept into her usually bright eyes. “I lost mine at the end of high school.”
  It was my turn to say that I was sorry.
  We sat some long minutes in the slow afternoon, muted8 by these thoughts. But I learned then, it was one of Susan’s virtues not to allow the wounds that come with life to crowd out the joys, and we were soon talking of more cheerful matters. A few weeks later we began to date.
  That summer I went to the shore for the final time as a college student. Once a place for adventure and wild excitement, it now seemed little more than a place where I had a guaranteed9 job. I felt older, wiser, cer-tainly less naive. And there was a sense of things com-ing to an end—my youths and the things of youth that we must shed to live stable, responsible lives. This trip was also different in that Susan would occasionally visit on weekends.
  Some nights a pathway of moonlight lay across the water, connecting the shore to the horizon. “It’s as though we could walk on it,” I said once.
  “Where would it take us?”
  “Wherever we want, I like to think.”
  “Where would you go?”
  “I don’t know, but I’d want you to come along.”
  We hold each other as the night deepen and cooled. It was here, as the waves crashed in the dark-ness, that I let Susan fully into those guarded places where I’d cloistered10 my sensitive injuries. She was delicate with them, and as she revealed to me her own secret fears and wishes, I knew what true love was.
  After Susan had boarded the bus back to Philadel-phia and I was alone, I often wrote to her. She has gath-ered those letters, yellowing and in a cursive11 that has changed over the years, in a purse of pink silk at the bottom of an heirloom12 dresser we received from her mother after we married. I have Susan’s letters, too, that I keep in a shoe box. When I read them, I am re-mained why I wanted to spend my life with her.
  Susan and I rose early in Stone Harbor the fol-lowing morning and went to the beach to “greet the o-cean”, as my wife always says. We walked the several blocks in the still cool air and the special hush that comes with morning by the sea.
  “It’s so lovely ,” Susan said, clutching13 my hand, and I agreed.
  Overhead the gulls wheeled and cried as we walked barefoot in the cool, wet sand. After a dis-tance, we stopped, and I sat with my back close to a dune, white Susan kept to the shoreline, staring out to sea or looking about for interesting shells or stones. Often she turned and looked at me , the bright early morning sun framing14 her back.
  First love, I thought, may cut and mark us the deepest, but love that lasts and grows does so because it joins and nurtures what is dearest, finest and no-blest in two people. And because it understands and forgives what is less so.
  First love may register in the blood with dizzy-ing15 effect, but the love that endures take up resi-dence in the soul. In this way, love becomes some-thing far more powerful than bone and flesh. It com-pletes us, giving us the wholeness we need to navi-gate16 safely through life.
  I could have watched my wife for hours as the waves broke and advanced toward her bare feet. In a world sometimes marred by hurt and anguish, I felt profoundly grateful that the sun had risen for me on such a love. I could feel it now flowing from me to her and back to me again, joined everywhere, complete, like the seas, and a harbor17 against all tempest18.


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