【摘 要】
My coworker,Jonathan,told me a memorable story about hischildhood.Unlike my upbringing,Jonathan's upbringing wasa mixture of running wild and playing rough.While I waswatched like a hawk by my parents
My coworker,Jonathan,told me a memorable story about hischildhood.Unlike my upbringing,Jonathan's upbringing wasa mixture of running wild and playing rough.While I waswatched like a hawk by my parents,Jonathan's parents were loving but notalways protective.He grew up in a more rural part of California, on a landthat was filled to the brim with a kid's imagination--large fields, tall trees,and a fully functioning (sanitary) creek.Lately,it's hard to find these landsin California anymore. California, in the eyes of many people, is a land ofbeaches and Disneyland.
So far from excusing Mr Conway, the very slipperiness of hisexcuse makes him seem that much more guilty, for as Shakespearewrote: "Oftentimes excusing of a fault/Doth make the fault theworse by the ex
My husband gives we an A for last night's supper,an incomplete for my ironing,a B plus in bed.
自20世纪90年代初,英国《泰晤士报》(TheTimes)每年都会出品“年度优秀大学指南”(“The Times Good University Guide”.),其大学排名在世界范围内都颇有影响力,在最新出炉的“TheTimes Good University Guide 2009”中,名列英国名校榜单前五名的分别是牛津(University of Oxford)、剑桥(University o
什么是liberal education?一译“自由教育”,源自古希腊的雅典式教育,通过向“自由人”教授文法、修辞、辩证法、算术、天文、几何和音乐,培养兼具美德与健康、智慧与美的公民。一译“人文教育”,文艺复兴时期对上述古典教育传统的发现和继承是人文主义思潮的重要内容之一,这也成为此后大学教育的基本理念。一译“通识教育”,主要指美国大学对古典教育传统在方法和内容上的革新,与专业教育(profess
如果说18世纪英国有_部知名度最高、影响最大的涉及中国的游记,那无疑就是《安逊环球航海记》(A Voyage Round the World,1748,由随船牧师Richard Walter编辑成书)。本书关于中国部分的篇幅不大,但在它出版后不久,即有多部在西方编印的游记选集予以收录,随后18世纪的法国启蒙思想家伏尔泰、孟德斯鸠、德国思想家赫德尔(Johann Gottfried von Herd
1735年,法国出版了一部关于中国的大书,书名很长,英文版译为Description of the Empire of China and Chinese-Tartary,Together with the Kingdoms ofKorea and Tibet;Containing the Geography and History(Natural as well as Civii)of Thos