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  1-5 CABCB 6-10 DDACB 11-15 CDABA
  16-20 DCBDA 21-25 BCABD 26-30 CDCAD
  31. became 32. interesting 33. run
  34. full 35. with 36. away
  37. back 38. telephoned 39. easy
  40. caught
  One possible version:
  China has the largest number of bicycles. Bicycles are still popular all over the world because of their outstanding advantages. It’s convenient to go to school or go to work by bike. It can help people keep healthy to ride often. However, with the development of economy, more and more people buy cars. The exhaust gas from cars pollutes the air. More and more cars have brought heavy traffic problems. I prefer riding bicycles because it is cheap and keeps the air clean.
  【2014年中考英语综合复习题(六)——九年级Units 1~5参考答案】
  Text 1. What’s that?
  Text 2. How is your father, Tom?
  Text 3. Whose book is this?
  Text 4. When does the train arrive?
  Text 5. How long has Tom been here?
  Text 6. M: Why don’t you answer my question, Lucy? Can’t you see the blackboard?
  W: Yes, I can. But I don’t know the answer.
  Text 7. M: How was your weekend, Mary?
  W: I had a wonderful time. My parents and I went to the zoo yesterday.
  Text 8. M: Is this bike yours, Jack?
  W: No, mine is black. Isn’t it Johnson? His is yellow.
  Text 9. M: When can I get my photos? I need them after school.
  W: It’s one now. I think you’ll have them then.
  Text 10. W: What would you like to drink, coke or iced tea?
  M: I prefer iced tea to coke.
  Text 11. W: I’m going to the concert.
  M: Are you? Can I join you?
  Text 12. M: What? Tom has failed in the exam? I thought he was a top student in his class.
  W: He used to be, but he has spent too much time playing computer games.
  Text 13.
  W: Are you ready for today’s exam, Jack?
  M: I’m afraid not. I should have stayed at home last night and studied. But I didn’t.
  W: What did you do?
  M: I went to Bill’s birthday party. He is my best friend, you know.   W: You shouldn’t have had the party.
  M: No, and I shouldn’t have seen the film with Bill after it, either.
  Text 14.
  W: You have a big circle of friends, Jim. Where did you meet them all?
  M: Oh, you know, Lisa, different places. Like Holly, you know her, right?
  W: Yeah, sure. You like to talk with her.
  M: Right. Well, Holly is my neighbor, so I have known her for years.
  W: Yeah, but when we walk around the school together, you seem to know everybody. They can’t all be friends from your childhood.
  M: No, of course not. I’ve met a lot of people in my school. At the beginning of the term, I joined a couple of clubs. So I’ve been meeting a lot of people that way.
  W: Well, I admire you. But you know, there must be something special about you. I go to my classes and the gym and all that, but I don’t seem to meet a lot of people. I think you’re just a lot more popular than I am.
  M: Maybe. But I know you like meeting people. Umm...You know what? My classmates and I are having a big party next week. Why don’t you come and talk and meet new people?
  W: Hmm... That’s really nice of you, Jim. But I get kind of nervous at big parties.
  Text 15.
  M: Summer holidays will begin next month. What are you going to do after the exam, Susan?
  W: My parents will take me back to the USA. We’ll visit our grandparents in New York.
  M: Oh, they’ll be very happy to see you again.
  W: Sure. What are you going to do, Daniel?
  M: Maybe my parents will take me to a few cities in the north.
  W: That will be very interesting. What cities are you going to visit?
  M: Maybe Beijing, Dalian, Qingdao and Tianjin.
  W: Oh, they’re all places of great interest in China. I think you will have a good time.
  M: I’m sure we will. Thank you.
  Text 16.
  A young man was in love with a beautiful girl. One day, the girl said to the boy, “It’s my birthday tomorrow.” “Oh,” said the young man, “I’ll give you roses, one rose for each year of your life.”
  That evening he went to the flower shop. Because he knew the girl was twenty-two years old, he bought twenty-two roses and asked the old man in the shop to send them to the girl the next day. The old man knew the young man very well because he often bought flowers in his shop. When the young man left the shop, the old man thought, “The young man is very kind to me. He often comes to buy my flowers. So I’ll send ten more roses.”   The old man did so. The next morning the girl got thirty-two roses. When the young man came to see her, she didn’t want to speak to him. And he never knew why she was so angry with him.
  1~5 BACBB 6~10 ACBCB 11~15 CCBCC
  16~20 ABCBC 21~25 CCBCC 26~30 CADDA
  31~35 CAABA 36~40 ACBCC 41~45 ACDCB
  46~50 DBBDB 51~55 ABCBA 56~60 CCACC
  61~65 ADCCB 66~70 BCBDA 71. dishonest
  72. anxious 73. annoyed 74. hurt
  75. nearby 76. prepare 77. without
  78. light 79. hurry 80. finding
  81. accepted 82. moved 83. wrong
  84. explained 85. price
  One possible version:
  Nowadays most students are getting heavy and unhealthy. Because some students hardly even exercise, they like to stay in the classroom all day. Even if they have time, they prefer watching TV or getting on line to exercising.
  Some students have bad eating habits. They like to eat junk food every day instead of eating fruit and vegetables.
  Others are under too much study pressure. They say they have too much homework to exercise. They should stay up late to do their homework and they don’t have enough sleep.
  But I think we should do exercise more often. It can keep us healthy. We should also have enough sleep and eat more fruit and vegetables. We should have a healthy lifestyle.
  【2014年中考英语综合复习题(七)——九年级Units 6~10参考答案】
  第一节 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
  听下面5个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后, 你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。
  Text 1. What does your sister do?
  Text 2. How is the weather?
  Text 3. What’s the time?
  Text 4. Shall we meet at six tomorrow morning?
  Text 5. When does the plane take off?
  Text 6. M: Where are you going, Mary?
  W: I’m going to Jim’s party.
  Text 7. W: Does your English teacher come from America?
  M: No. He is from Canada.
  Text 8. M: What can I do for you?
  W: I’d like a pair of gloves.
  Text 9. M: Shall we meet at half past five?
  W: Why not make it earlier? How about five fifteen?
  Text 10. W: How was your English exam?
  M: Too bad. I made quite a few mistakes.
  Text 11. W: What a nice mobile phone! When did you buy it?
  M: Well. I didn’t buy it. It was a birthday present from my uncle.
  Text 12. M: Excuse me. Is there a station near here?   W: Sorry. I don’t know. You may ask the policeman there.
  Text 13.
  W: What do you think of the football game yesterday afternoon?
  M: Very exciting. The two teams played hard and it was really a close game.
  W: I enjoyed it too. But I missed part of the game.
  M: How come?
  W: Someone knocked into my bike on the way and I fell off my bike.
  M: Did you hurt yourself?
  W: Yes, I hurt my left leg and it hurt a lot. So I couldn’t ride my bike. I had to walk slowly.
  M: Sorry to hear that.
  W: Anyway I saw the result of the game.
  Text 14.
  W: Hi, Jack. I’ve got something to tell you.
  M: What’s it?
  W: We’ll have a new math teacher at the end of this month.
  M: Why? We all enjoy Miss Green’s class.
  W: She has moved to the South. Her husband works in a computer company there.
  M: What a pity! She’s a nice teacher.
  W: I hope Mr. Smith is as nice and interesting as Miss Green.
  Text 15.
  W: Which subject do you like best at school?
  M: Computer studies.
  W: Why?
  M: I can work fast and also get a lot of useful things on the web. When I’m tired, I can play games on it.
  W: Do your classmates like the subject?
  M: Yes, more boys than girls like the subject.
  W: Why don’t many girls like computer?
  M: It’s hard to say. Most of them like art and languages.
  W: I like computer studies but I don’t like computer games. I feel the computer is helpful for my study.
  Text 16.
  Dick worked on a big ship. It went to New Zealand and Australia. As Dick was often on the ship for several months at a time, when he woke up in the morning and looked out, he only saw the sea or sometimes a port.
  When he was twenty-six, Dick got married and bought a small house with a garden in his wife’s town. It was away from the sea. Then he had to go back to his ship and he didn’t come home for two months. Two months later he went from the port to the town by bus, and was happy to see his wife again.
  The next morning,he slept until 9 o’clock. Then he woke up suddenly and looked out of the window. There were trees a few feet away. He was frightened and jumped out of bed, shouting, “We’ve hit land!”
  1~5 BCAAC 6~10 AACCA 11~15 CBCBB
  16~20 BABBB 21~25 CCBBC 26~30 BCBDD
  31~35 ADBCC 36~40 BDDAC 41~45 BDBCC
  46~50 DCBAD 51~55 CADAC 56~60 DDBDA
  61~65 DBCDB 66~70 DDBAD 71. mind
  72. need 73. mad 74. go back
  75. polite 76. dry 77. enjoying
  78. patient 79. pleased 80. chance
  81. bit 82. stepped 83. die
  84. should 85. life
  One possible version:
  Fellow students, I’m glad to tell you something about Li Ming’s study and life. Li Ming is good at his lessons and his favorite subject is English. He is friendly to others and willing to help others. He always has many things to do in the spare time. And he has his own hobbies. He likes to surf the internet to get what he wants. He likes music very much. I think we should learn from Li Ming. Students should study hard and also enjoy life out of class.
China,is a country with rich energy resources and low average possession,but it has begun to pay great attention to en- ergy conservation and environmental prot
五角枫学名色木槭,生长于山地和沟谷边的针阔混交林内。代钦塔拉这样集中生长在沙地上的五角枫是科右中旗独有的。作为科右中旗极具观赏性的树种,沙地五角枫有十分重要 Pear