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  摘 要:中小型水电站建设设计地域复杂,然其需要协调、完善的事项不亚于中大型水电站建设。而且在项目建设过程中能得到有关部门的支持力度又远远赶不上中大型水利项目,因此,在中小型水电站项目建设的勘察设计、前期报审(批)、参建各方的选择及合同的文本条款落实方面更要高度重视。本文从参与那新水电站的建设全过程对以上各方面的工作进行论述,希望能给类似水电站项目带来借鉴。
  Naxin hydropower station is the guangxi water conservancy electric power group co., LTD., holding a small and medium-sized hydropower station under construction, is located in baise tianlin anding town, construction since March 2009.Project owner first China gezhouba group co., LTD., and subsequent China railway 19th bureau group co., LTD., is from the guangxi liuzhou water conservancy electric power survey design institute, the supervisor is nanning in guangxi xijiang engineering construction supervision co., LTD.Hydropower station construction industry sectors involved, hydrology, geology, surveying, civil engineering, electrical, manufacturing processing, gold and other professional, is intricate, project construction management and coordination work.So effective measures should be taken in the process of construction management and in place of management, to ensure the smooth construction of the project.But overall, hydroelectric project construction has its regularity, there are common places.
  A, select the excellent design, strengthen communication and contact with work
  Design is a leading, design development and construction of hydropower station is very important, will directly affect the investment and the progress of the project.If the designer design level is high, the ability to design, work done is in place and in-depth, late of the project construction will be carried out smoothly, the owner side will also save trouble is much, so choose a good design units is critical.But at the moment, I group of hydropower station project design is facing the status quo: country and the area of water conservancy construction project, the design market of porridge more monk less, many are willing to accept from the large investment, short construction period and project with quick results. The purpose is very clear, that is earn more quickly to save money.For the project that lead group level, based on some political factors, and often time they order.Lead to design level, depth is not in place, greatly affected the project construction period, the investment increase.
  In the case of actual construction management and how to operate, as the owner of project management personnel must be familiar with design drawings and the site of the project, to found in the construction and the original design drawing is not consistent place and can also be optimized place should be timely communication with site design on behalf of the even design institute, strive to design and construction optimization, more reasonable.At the same time we will strictly in accordance with the relevant hydropower project construction and management of the group to make design changes in a process in a timely manner, so as not to delay the construction period.And will pay special attention to the design drawings if supply with the construction schedule requirements, don't lag because of drawing influence construction progress and result in disputes in the future to the contractor when processing, sent people to design institute tracking urged when necessary.   Second, to prepare for project approval according to regulation and in accordance with the prior approval
  Hydroelectric project before the formal construction, according to the state's relevant laws and regulations to deal with relevant formalities, if not in time for the examination and approval of the work, will influence the project construction period and increase the cost of project construction.If not approval according to the requirements of the national review, the project will not be able to legally exist, upon investigation, not only to extend the time limit, and the cost will increase a lot, also affects the owner party's credibility.According to relevant data show that the guangxi region has a lot of small and medium-sized hydropower station at the time of the specific construction procedures are more or less in the environment lacking, once under the background of this project with mass resistance or security, and other events, the lack of procedures and formalities will give project to great trouble, and will be due to the lack of procedure missed the best opportunity to solve the contradiction.Naxin hydropower station is a good example, while with the permission of the local government held the opening ceremony and smooth construction, but have no reason to no basis of resistance and plant procedures complete question put forward by the masses, we are wrong.In things well to control the phase to was not dealt with in a timely manner, in place we miss the best time to stay procedures and complete later due to the transition, promote transfer of government leaders, delay, resulting in more than two years of resistance, cause huge direct and indirect economic losses.According to the provisions of the department of water administration under the state, approval and inspection procedures for hydropower station mainly include: first, the project feasibility report must be based on size approved by the national or provincial, municipal development and reform commission of consultancy review, after review requirements, project to project;Second, once approved, the project should be timely and relevant qualified units, please do the eia, water conservation, geological disaster assessment, reconnaissance and bound, forest land, mineral resources evaluation of cover, and put forward related project report, submitted to the relevant departments to review;Related project approval review is completed, timely report to related department for project approval, and the follow-up work developed as soon as possible.   Three, discreet choice supervision unit, strictly carry out the supervision contract
  Words can be summarized the supervision in the whole process and its importance in the project construction: investment, quality, safety and schedule of four control;Two contract and information management;Coordinating the relationship between the owner and contractor.Can choose a good supervision units, the supervisor in the site of the project supervision personnel how will directly affect the quality of project construction.So choose the project supervising units is critical, not some people said the project supervision is just a form, because it is not a problem, a problem will bring great disputes.Another in the project construction process, the property management must also be accordance with the requirements of the contract strictly supervision supervision, must rely on the former must be in at the scene, be sure to eat at the scene, be sure to work in the field.Key parts working procedure such as topographic survey is really there, casting concrete is prepared to supervise, measurement of quantities are true, the quality of the periodic inspection and acceptance of the work whether, in accordance with requirements of key controls are the owners need.Other aspects such as supervision log must adhere to write;A contractor, owner side, side work regularly meeting;Monthly safety inspection;Month progress payment accounting of funds should firmly carry out, in order to solve various problems arising from the construction, promote the construction of the project.
  Four, strictly in accordance with the terms of the contract for construction management
  In general, the main points of the construction management is: be familiar with the contract conditions, want to have a forward thinking and global concept, timely and cooperated-builing parties to solve various problems in the process of construction, the process monitoring and process control.In the process of the specific management, due to the contractor is the key to the construction projects subject to project can be completed as scheduled work mainly is to look at the contractor's construction organization.So after signing the contract, the construction management is particularly important.It is a long, hard work, the owner according to contract frequently with shareholders, the designer, contractor, supervision party, coordinating the relationship in a timely manner to solve the problem in the management process.In addition, in the process of project construction management, the owner can not acting the eldest brother, think that the contractor and the supervisor or even design is working for me, this will lead to all sorts of relationship misconduct or mismanagement and passive.To know cooperated-builing parties after signing the contract, it is a kind of equal relations with the owner.So the party should change ideas, positioned, real communication, coordination and service work.
  All in all, hydroelectric project construction management is a complicated system engineering, from the date of the project, will be according to the overall goal of the project, careful and meticulous construction plan;The correct configuration of various resources, timely and effectively communicate with cooperated-builing parties;In the process of project construction, strict management and control should be based on contract, to ensure smooth as planned to complete the project construction tasks.
摘 要:由于轻钢结构住宅具有开间大、质轻环保以及易于工厂化生产等优势,轻钢结构施工被广泛应用在住宅建筑中,轻钢结构住宅已成为业界人士关注的焦点。一般而言,轻钢结构主要是采用镀锌轻钢龙骨构件,与厚壁钢材结构存在明显的差异,而轻钢结构施工在工程建筑中的运用,能够有效提高建筑的整体质量,实现建筑工业化的发展。本文就现代轻钢结构建筑在我国的应用进行有效的研究。  关键词:轻钢结构;建筑工程;应用  在国外
摘 要:我国蕴藏着丰富的煤矿资源,煤炭产量充足,但同时也是世界上煤矿瓦斯灾害最严重的国家之一。通过对潘庄区块地质构造、煤层概况、煤岩特性等进行研究,分析煤层气赋存影响因素,总结该区块煤层气赋存规律,为该区块的煤层气地面预抽采工作提供依据,也为矿井瓦斯治理工作提供重要指导。  关键词:煤层气;地质因素;赋存  我国是一个矿产资源大国,煤炭作为主要能源占一次能源的70%以上,煤炭产量占世界煤炭产量的5
摘 要:近些年人们越来越重视低碳环保的发展,而绿色施工是科学的实现建筑施工单位可持续性发展的重要环节,并且也得到了社会各界的认可。但是因为我国绿色施工发展时间比较短,所以相关的技术与评价标准还需要进一步进行完善,否则会严重的影响到我国绿色施工的推广和应用。故在本文中我们主要对绿色建筑工程管理中存在的问题与对策进行了简单的分析与探讨、  关键字:绿色建筑;工程管理;存在的问题;对策  一、绿色施工技
摘 要:本文浅谈成本管理的特点和钻前施工队伍成本管理遵循的原则,并举例进行简要说明,以体现不同工种钻前队伍在成本管理中如何按照相关原则开展不同方式的管理。  关键词:钻前队伍;成本管理  成本管理是运用科学的理念和方法,结合同不同队中的实际情况,在遵循一些原则的前提下,从事前、事中做好管控,时候做好总结,以期将成本降至最低,并通过不断改进和完善管理方式方法,提高企业的效率,达到效益最大化。  一、
摘 要“安然”和“世通”等财务舞弊案的曝光,使得公众对于整个审计行业产生了信任危机,国际审计准则的变更使得现代风险导向审计成为了代替传统审计模式的一种新型审计方法。本文以审计准则变更前后的审计工时和审计收费为研究依据分析其在导入前后的审计效果。 “拿来主义”的审计方法并没有在中国有同样的效果,本文将找出其存在的问题给出优化建议,帮助其摸索出一条适合中国特色的发展道路。  关键词:审计工时;审计收费
摘 要:工程财务管理在整个工程中处于非常重要的地位,是所有工作的基础。是施工单位提高经济效益,降低工程成本,实现工程稳定高效发展的关键。通过对工程建设的每个施工环节、每个施工步骤、每个施工流程的全面工程财务管理,能够实现工程建设利润目标最大化。随着市场经济的不断发展,建筑行业面临的竞争口益激烈,企业获利的空间也随之减小,使建筑企业面临更大的挑战。所以,加强工程财务管理,降低工程成本是非常重要的。 
摘 要:中小企业是国民经济的重要主体,而融资困难一直是阻碍中小企业发展的关键因素。随着互联网金融的发展,传统的融资方式得到了革新,为破解中小企业融资困境提供了新的视角。基于此,本文对互联网融资模式进行简要概述,并就中小企业如何利用互联网金融融资展开分析,希望能为中下企业的发展提供一定的借鉴。  关键词:中小企业;融资;互联网金融  占中国企业总数98%以上的中小企业是国民经济的重要支柱,它不仅是纳
摘 要:在建筑工程施工中,屋面防水建筑施工是其最为重要的组成部分之一,提升屋面防水建筑施工的质量管理水平能够保障建筑物的整体质量,同时延长建筑物的使用寿命。只有解决屋面渗水以及漏水问题,建筑物的质量才能够得到有效的保障,确保人们的正常生活,提升人们生活质量。  关键词:建筑工程;屋面防水;质量管理  一、建筑工程中屋面防水施工技术  (一)分格缝施工  屋面分隔缝应该设立在屋面板支撑端和屋面的转折
摘 要:思想政治工作人员作为各种活动和工作的组织者和领导者,必须具有较高的政治觉悟、思想品质和道德水准。新形势下思想政治工作人员必须努力提高自身素质。要把尊重人、理解人、关心人作为思想政治工作必须遵循的准则,从而适应改革的需要。本文简述了思想政治工作与企业经营管理的关系,对新形势下思想政治工作人员适应改革需要具备的能力素质进行了论述分析,以供借鉴参考。  关键词:思想政治工作人员;经营管理;新形势
摘 要:随着经济改革的深入发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,财务管理在我国中小企业中的应用显得尤为重要。中小企业的核心问题是生存问题,而维持中小企业生存的关键在于企业的财务管理。但是,绝大多数中小企业往往片面追求提高企业短期经济效益,而忽视了财务管理对提高企业长期经济效益的真正作用,财务部门仅仅体现了会计核算和监督最基本的职能。为此,本文针对中小企业财务管理中存在的问题进行阐述,并从会计的角度提出发挥财务管