How Mandarin affects the English Acquisition:A Case Study of an ELL

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  【Abstract】The thesis is a case study based on an observation of a third-grade ELL’s performance. The methodology including recording, quantifying, and analyzing her language use in the settings inside and outside classroom.
  【Key words】ELL; Observation; Linguistics; L1; L2; English Acquisition
  The case study is based on an observation in a public school in New York City, which is a bilingual elementary school with dual-language class (Mandarin/Spanish and English). The majority of students preferred English inside and outside the classroom. My observation took place in the third grade Mandarin and English class.
  I chose to focus on studying the second language acquisition of a student whom I refer to as “student A” in this article. Student A was an emergent bilingual who has been living in the United States since she was 6 years old. When I conducted the case study, she was 10 years old, enrolled in the 3rd grade of the dual-language program in the public school, had been immersed in the English language environment for 4 years. Unlike her ELL peers who were mostly born in America, Student A was the only one that had not passed the NYSESLAT (New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test). Student A, at the time, preferred English as her social language in the school. Meanwhile, her L1, Mandarin, also affected her L2 acquisition. According to Krashen and Terrell’s stages of second language acquisition, the student was experiencing the Beginning Fluency stage.
  Ⅱ.Documentation of diagnosis
  During my observation, I used audio devices to record the ELL’s conversations with her peers, her teachers, and her parent, inside and outside the classroom.
  The analysis was based on the data gathered from this observation. With the review of the ELL’s language use in L2, I compare the ELL’s L1(Mandarin) and L2 (English), trying to figure out what impact L2 has on L1, making assumptions from these data.
  Ⅲ. Analysis of Diagnosis
  Phonological aspect
  Stress the last syllable
  Every Chinese syllable is presented by a Chinese character. Therefore, unstressed syllable is rare in Mandarin. Student A kept the pronouncing habit, tended to stress the last syllable. For example, when she said “time”, she pronounced /taimu/ instead of /taim/; when she said “achievement”, she also stressed the last syllable, pronounced /??t?ivm?nt?/.   Tenseness and length of vowel
  In English vocabulary, varied lengths and tenseness of vowels refer to different words; while in Chinese vocabulary, the meaning of words won’t change with the length and tenseness of the vowel.
  Student A read the letter cluster “oo” as lax vowel in every situation. When she said, “do you want a cookie/’k?ki/?” she pronounced “cookie” as /’k?:ki/. The same thing happened in her writing. For example, when she was asked to spell out “copybook” in a dictation, she wrote “copybok.”
  Ⅳ.Consonant clusters
  When Student A was reading “Spring Festival is my favorite holiday”, I noticed that she substituted /p/ of / spr??/ with /b/ and omitted /s/ of /?f?st?v?l/. In the observation, I recorded Student A repeatedly making mistakes on consonant clusters, especially the co mbination like /ks/, /st/, /sp/; but she never made omission or substitution on combination like /ts/, /tr/, /dr/, and /pl/.
  Morphological aspect
  In the English language, definite article “the” refers to specific objects; indefinite articles “a” and “an” refers to general objects. Although there are similar notion in the Chinese language—“一個” similar to “a”, and “这个” similar to “the.” There is no strict grammar for the articles in daily usage. Student A found it difficult to use articles appropriately in speaking and constantly omitted articles in her sentences.
  Semantic aspect
  Mandarin users tend to use adverbial of time instead of tenses to distinguish time differences. When it came to English, Student A easily confused the tenses. One example was that when I asked her: “what did you eat yesterday?” she said, “I eat fried rice.” Student A also shown a confusion of tenses in writing. Once she wrote about her first day in the school year, which should be stated in the past tense, she wrote “in the school I see my friends”.
【摘要】在当今世界各国文化与经济之间交流日渐密切的境况中,英语也日益成为一种国际化的交流方式。因此,英语也成了当今人才所必须掌握的一项技能。故而,本文将从激发学生的学习积极性与主动性方面着手,进而为更好地实施初中英语教学之中的口语教学提出更多有效的教学策略。  【关键词】初中英语;口语教学;教学策略  【作者简介】万志芳,甘肃省平凉市庄浪县第三中学。  一、目前初中英语在口语教学方面所面临的问题 
【摘要】综合素质评价是指对学生从学习能力、道德品质、运动与健康等方面进行多维度全方位的检测与评价。随着科技的发展和素质教育的深入,社会对于高素质全能型人才的需求不断增加,不能再单纯依靠考试成绩对作为社会未来的建设者的学生进行刻板的评价;要切合社会要求,对学生进行综合性、系统性的评价,促进学生的全面发展。通过综合素质评价平台对学生的各项表现进行自评与他评,从而推动学生综合素质的提高。  【关键词】成
【摘要】由于英语翻译中受到汉语和英语之间的差异的影响,在翻译的过程中应结合语文使用习惯和文化特点来正确处理语序和语境的问题,保证翻译的质量。  【关键词】英语翻译;语序;语境  【作者简介】魏盼盼,沈阳化工大学外国语学院。  英语翻译中,由于汉语和英语之间具有较大的差别,翻译人员在进行翻译的时候需要对整体的文章进行理解和掌握,并且将语序进行调整,使其能够符合原意,并且能够使文章的语序更加标准。而在
【摘要】随着大数据时代的到来,传统的教学理念和模式已经很难适应时代发展的需求,初中英语教学呼唤多元化教学理念的融入。精準化教学理念以大数据为依托,科学地运用这一理念,不仅仅有助于学生对知识的掌握,还可以帮助学生提升自身的实践能力,促进教学效果的发展。基于此,本文站在大数据视角,分析初中英语精准化教学的策略,以供参考。  【关键词】大数据;初中英语;精准化教学  【作者简介】李荣,甘肃省庆阳市合水县
【摘要】数字化时代,移动学习和在线学习因其趣味性、便捷性、时代性等特点受到广泛推崇。本文分析开放教育ESP课程教学的特点,总结移动学习和在线学习应用在开放教育ESP教学中的优势,结合问卷调查与教学实践,对ESP教学过程中涌现的教学难点和挑战进行了分析并提出思路和建议,以期巩固和完善现有改革成果,提升开放大学ESP的教学质量。  【关键词】移动学习;在线学习;开放教育ESP  【作者简介】李圆圆(1
【摘要】在“互联网 ”视域下如何采用任务型教学模式,从兴趣入手用英语影视视频做内容,激发学生的动机让学生快乐高效地学习是很多大学英语教师思考的问题。本文笔者从“互联网 ”对大学英语的影响、“互联网 ”视域下任务型英语影视文化教学模式及其实施入手探讨任务型教学法融入大学英语影视文化教学的具体做法,研究表明,这种教学模式可以调动和培养学生的学习热情,激发学生学习动机,培养英语语言意识,使他们快乐而高效
【摘要】随着国家“一带一路”战略的实施,新疆的“桥头堡”地位决定了新疆外语类人才作为重要的战略资源和软实力,对于“一带一路”战略的实施起着非常重要的作用。因此,新疆高校既面临着机遇,也面临着挑战。如何培养英语专业人才的跨文化能力,为社会输送更多复合型专业英语人才是高校面临的主要挑战。本文针对跨文化能力视角下的英语专业人才培养目标定位进行论述,以探索英语专业人才的培养。  【关键词】跨文化能力;英语