
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengqiuyu1990
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Aim: To compare the results of laparoscopic nephrectomy for congenital benign renal diseases in children and adults. Methods: From August 1996 to February 2003, laparoscopic nephrectomies were performed on 26 children and 60 adults. Of these patients, 33 patients (17 children, 16 adults) with comparable diseases were included in the analysis. Results: Disease was on the right side in 16 patients and on the left in 17. Operative and convalescence parameters, including operative time, blood loss, transfusion rate, conversion rate to open surgery, resumption of oral intake, hospital stay, and complication rate, were evaluated in both groups. Median operative time in the paediatric group was 140 min compared to 147.5 in adults (p = 0.626). The estimated blood loss was significantly different (median 25 and 75 cm3 in children and adults, respectively; P < 0.001). Other operative and convalescence parameters were not statistically different. However, whereas no child required a blood transfusion, three adults (18.8%) did. No major perioperative complications occurred in the paediatric group, but open surgical exploration was needed due to retroperitoneal bleeding in a single adult. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that laparoscopic nephrectomy for congenital benign disease in children is achieved safely and that the modality offers additional advantages in children as compared to adults. Aim: To compare the results of laparoscopic nephrectomy for congenital benign renal diseases in children and adults. Methods: From August 1996 to February 2003, laparoscopic nephrectomies were performed on 26 children and 60 adults. Of these patients, 33 patients (17 children, 16 Results: Disease was on the right side in 16 patients and on the left in 17. Operative and convalescence parameters, including operative time, blood loss, transfusion rate, conversion rate to open surgery, resumption of oral intake, hospital stay, and complication rate, were evaluated in both groups. Median operative time in the pediatric group was 140 min compared to 147.5 in adults (p = 0.626). The estimated blood loss was significantly different (median 25 and 75 cm3 in children and adults, respectively; P <0.001). Other operative and convalescence parameters were not distinct different. However, sion, three adults (18.8%) did. No major peri for over the past 4 years in the pediatric group, but open surgical exploration was needed due to retroperitoneal bleeding in a single adult. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that laparoscopic nephrectomy for congenital benign disease in children is achieved safely and that the modality offers additional advantages in children as compared to adults.
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