Theoretical elucidation of structure-activity relationship of flavonoid antioxidants

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahhaa
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AM1 method was employed to calculate flavonoid antioxidants, and the results obtained are as follows. Firstly, flavonoid hydroxyls at ortho position were more active than the hydroxyls at meta position in scavenging oxygen-free radicals, which resulted from the facts that (ⅰ) the former were stabilized by forming intramolecular hydrogen bond and (ⅱ) ortho benzoquinone formed in the former structures through resonance, which resulted in large percentage of distribution of spin density on ortho oxygen and low internal energy. Secondly, electron-attracting effect of ring C of chromone-flavonoids showed some passive effects on hydroxyls of ring A, making the OH less active. As ring C had little effect on ring B and hydroxyls of ring B in most flavonoids were at ortho position, the rule summarized from experiments showing that hydroxyls of ring B were more active in scavenging oxygen-free radicals was elucidated. AM1 method was employed to calculate flavonoid antioxidants, and the results obtained are the as follows: (i) the flavonoid hydroxyls at ortho position were more active than the hydroxyls at meta position in scavenging oxygen-free radicals, which resulted from the facts that former were stabilized by forming intramolecular hydrogen bond and (ii) ortho benzoquinone formed in the former structures through resonance, which resulted in large percentage of distribution of spin density on ortho oxygen and low internal energy. Secondly, electron-attracting effect of ring C of chromone-flavonoids showed some passive effects on hydroxyls of ring A, making the OH less active. As ring C had little effect on ring B and hydroxyls of ring B in most flavonoids were at ortho position, the rule summarized from experiments showing that hydroxyls of ring B were more active in scavenging oxygen-free radicals was elucidated.
本次采访用了cerebral palsy baby而不是中文脑瘫。这个用英文也是源于前一段时间的渐冻人ALS,用英文称呼这个病,对中国人来说,显得没那么可怕。我们也期望cerebral palsy 能够有一个更好的中文译名,因为,这些孩子本来就可以站起来!  “有信心没有?”  “有!”  “大声点,有信心没有?”  “有!!!”  问话的人是原北京协和医院儿童脑瘫康复领域的著名专家李光玉先生。 
从默默无闻到声名远扬,他涉足传染病诊治领域,在临床一线与各种结核病斗争30年,为广大结核病患者带来希望之光;他带领总参谋部总医院全军结核病研究所走在科研、临床、防控前沿;坚守总参总院30载,他以医者之心、军人之责,带领团队不断探索,使研究所医疗水平和研究成果备受瞩目。  他是总参总院全军结核病研究所所长兼结核三科主任,主任医师王仲元。北京初冬,记者专访了王仲元。  北京的初冬,正午时分,阳光和空气
改革开放以来 ,我国在分配制度上一直坚持“效率优先 ,兼顾公平”的原则 ,坚持这一原则 ,是社会主义本质的要求 ,是符合我国社会主义初级阶段国情的。世纪之初 ,在贯彻实施“