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世界正向信息化迈进,这已是不可逆转的变化方向。加速我国的信息化、大力发展信息产业,既是实现跨世纪战略目标的重要内容,也是提高我国国际竞争实力的必由之路,这已是全社会的共识。但是,信息化的概念及其实践、信息产业成长为世界最大的产业,都只是近一二十年的事,而我国在这两方面的实践历史则更短,至今仍有一系列问题尚待深入了解,诸如信息化和信息产业在人类的历史进程中将居于何种地位?信息化在全球推进的趋势及新特点是什么?对社会经济生活及世界经济政治格局将产生哪些重大影响?转型国家在推进信息化的进程中应特别关注哪些重大问题?等等。这组专题报道,相信对关注上述问题的读者会有所启发。 The world is moving toward informationization, which is an irreversible direction of change. To speed up the informatization of our country and vigorously develop the information industry is both an important part of realizing the cross-century strategic goal and the only way to enhance our international competitiveness. This is the consensus of the entire society. However, the concept and practice of informationization and the growth of the information industry into the largest industry in the world are only a matter of nearly two decades. However, our country’s practice history in these two aspects is even shorter. There are still a series of problems to be solved Understand, such as information and information industry in the history of mankind will be in what position? Information technology in the world to promote the trend and new features is what? What are the major impacts on socio-economic life and world economic and political patterns? What major issues should the transition countries pay special attention to in the process of promoting informationization? and many more. This group of special reports, I believe readers interested in these issues will be inspired.
儿子三周岁了,我却觉得越来越不会教育他了:他想听故事的时候,就是晚上十一点也睡意全无,直缠着你讲那些从头到尾都翻遍的故事,讲故事就讲故事吧,还挑三拣四,不想听这 My so
孩子年龄小,他们常常会为了一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事产生矛盾,发生争执,甚至动手,这是常有的事。家长要以平常心对待孩子与同伴间的矛盾和冲突。 Children are young and they of
The new magnesium alloy rolling material,which has the same room temperature formability as aluminum alloy,was developed by National Institute of Advanced Indus
“可持续发展”是当今世界各国共同关注的重要问题 ,尤其是人均资源溃乏的我国更应重视。而信息产业由于其本身低能耗、高效益特点不仅符合可持续发展的要求 ,而且还对整个国
With total investment of RMB$500 million,a rare earth metals industrialization base was constructed in Longping Hi-Tech Park of Changsha.Total income of technol
【摘要】良好的意志品质,是人们取得成功的基石。小学品生(社)对学生培养良好的意志品质,实现学习方式最优化具有重要的意义。本论从四个层面:(1)加强目的教育,确立正确学习目的;(2)树立榜样作用,优化学习方式;(3) 适当评价,优化学习方式;(4)参加实践活动,优化学习方式等,论述培养良好的意志品质,实现品生(社)教学方式最优化的途径。  【关键词】教学方式 最优化  【中图分类号】G61 【文献