
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:onewxf
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患者男,65岁,间歇性发热、咳嗽2个月,无咳血,既往吸烟史20支/日,40年。胸片发现右上肺阴影,于1985年5月27日住院。一般情况良好,未见浅表淋巴结肿大,气管居中,左上肺呼吸音稍低。痰细胞学检查阴性,胸片示左上肺中内带大片透光度较低,气管轻度左移。纤维镜检查见左肺上叶前段和尖后段支气管总开口处直径约1.0cm肿物,活检钳推时可动,多次咬检只咬取极少组织,瘤体不易出血,组织学为粘膜组织。拟诊左肺上叶支气管内良性肿瘤,腺瘤可能性较大。入院后发现无痛性血尿,经肾图、“B”超和X线检查证实为左输尿管结石伴肾盂积水。于1985年6月5日在全麻下剖胸探查,见左上肺前段和尖后段肺不张,明显炎变。作左上肺叶切除术。 Male patient, 65 years old, with intermittent fever, cough for 2 months, no hemoptysis, previous smoking history 20/day, 40 years. The shadow of the upper right lung was found on the chest radiograph and was hospitalized on May 27, 1985. In general, there was no superficial lymphadenopathy, no tracheal centering, and a slightly lower breath sound in the left upper lung. The sputum cytology test was negative. The chest radiograph showed that the upper left lung had a large inner light transmittance and the trachea moved slightly to the left. In the fiberoptic examination, the diameter of the frontal segment of the left upper lobe and the ostium of the posterior segment of the bronchi were approximately 1.0 cm in diameter. When the biopsy forceps were pushed, they could move. Many bite tests only took very little tissue. The tumor was not easy to bleed. Histopathology was Mucosal tissue. To be diagnosed with benign tumors in the left upper lobe of the lung, adenomas are more likely to be diagnosed. After admission, painless hematuria was found. The kidneys, “B” ultrasound and X-ray examination confirmed the left ureteral calculi with hydronephrosis. On June 5th, 1985, under the general anesthesia, the thoracotomy was explored. The atelectasis in the anterior segment and the posterior segment of the left upper lung was obviously changed. Left upper lobe resection.
口腔癌发病率较高,约占全身恶性肿瘤的5%,在口腔颌面部肿瘤中口腔癌占80%,其中以牙龈癌多见,现将我科1981~1986年收治的124例分析如下: 性别与年龄:男68例,女56例,男多于女。发
一、放射治疗中物理及生物方面进展的概况 1.物理学进展:主要是更好地分辨肿瘤组织和正常组织以及根据肿瘤具体情况改进治疗体积而使放射治疗有所进展。直线加速器的使用使