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好文章应该“文质兼美”。我们强调“兼”,就在于这两者所担负的“形式”与“内容”互为倚重,不可偏废。考察古往今来的名篇佳作,无不显示了二者的完美结合。而那些被人们反复传诵的经典之作,除了在表现形式上独具匠心之外,往往更讲究对思想内涵的深度掘进。事实上,大凡优秀作品,在形式上并不过分追求奇巧绮丽,恰恰以质朴晓畅取胜。这方面像汉赋与宫体诗的迅速衰微给我们提供了反面的例证。而像我们学过的《过秦论》《、六国论》《、劝学》《、师说》等名篇,如果没有深刻独到和让人豁然开朗的卓见,是很难经得起历史考验的。从这个意义上说,文章第一要义就要追求与众不同的见解和开启心智的思想。至于表现形式,其评价标准应该以简约素朴为主。就作文而言,需要我们对生活留心观察,这样才能提炼出好的写作材料。如果缺乏睿智的眼光,不能深入挖掘生活所赋予的积极内涵,那只能是材料的罗列与堆积。而失去了灵魂依附的作文,只能是一具“文”的皮囊而已。但是现在,有不少作文一味追求花哨的形式和华丽的辞藻,却掩饰不住内容的苍白与认识的肤浅。更为要命的是,我们在阅读这类文章时,往往被这种披着一层漂亮外衣的假象所迷惑甚至糊弄,而忽略了对其思想内蕴的推敲与叩问。这种作文评价眼光严重助长了华而不实的文风。因此强调明白晓畅的健朗作文风格,摒弃“金玉其外,败絮其中”的浮华之作,是作文评价发展的健康方向。 Good articles should be “both beautiful and beautiful.” We emphasize “concurrently” in that the “form” and “content” that the two undertake are mutually dependent and cannot be neglected. Examining the famous works from ancient times to the present, all show the perfect combination of the two. However, those classics that have been repeatedly passed on by people, in addition to their distinctive forms of expression, tend to emphasize the deepening of the ideological content. In fact, most of the outstanding works do not excessively pursue Qi Qiao in terms of form. It is precisely because of the simplicity of Xiao Qiang. The rapid decline of Han Fu and Gong Shi Po in this respect has provided us with examples of the opposite. For articles such as “The Theory of the Qin Dynasty”, “The Six Kingdoms Theory”, “Encouragement”, “The Teacher’s Theory” and other famous articles that we have studied, if we do not have profound insight and insight, it is very difficult to stand the course of history. Tested. In this sense, the first important point of the article is to pursue distinctive views and open minds. As for the form of expression, its evaluation criteria should be based on simplicity and simplicity. As far as writing is concerned, we need to be mindful of life observations in order to extract good writing materials. Without a wise vision, one cannot dig deeper into the positive connotations of life. It can only be the listing and accumulation of materials. The composition that lost the attachment of the soul can only be a “literal” skin. However, nowadays, there are quite a number of essays that pursuing fancy forms and splendid rhetoric, but they can’t conceal the paleness of the contents and the superficiality of their understanding. Even worse, when we read such articles, we are often confused or even fooled by this illusion of being dressed in a beautiful coat, ignoring the scrutiny and questioning of its ideology. The evaluation of this essay has seriously contributed to a slick style of writing. Therefore, stressing the understanding of Xiao Chang’s Jian Lang composition style and abandoning the glorious work of “beyond gold and jade,” is the healthy direction of composition evaluation and development.
曾在《读书》杂志上写过一则漫读札记:《杨朔眼中的川端康成》(《读书》二○一一年第二期),提到散文家杨朔在名文《鹤首》中,近距离描摹过战后日本文坛作家群像,其中对川端康成的刻画形神兼具,气韵尤为生动云云。有朋友读后找出杨朔散文集子的相关原文来读,不料却读出了问题:原来他家收藏的《杨朔散文选》(人民文学出版社一九七八年版)中所收《鹤首》一文里居然丝毫不见描写川端康成的相关文字 —川端康成哪去了?  写
一夜的暴风雨过去了,这个遥远的非洲小岛被雨水冲刷得干干净净。  黑人卡鲁一边惬意地呼吸着雨后的清新空气,一边来到自家后院,从一个房间里搬出一架漂亮的飞艇。解开绑在飞艇上的绳子,摆脱了束缚的飞艇慢慢悠悠地向天空飞去。  眨眼间,飞艇已经飞到了几百米的高空,卡鲁望着在空中一圈圈旋转的飞艇,露出了得意的笑容,因为他知道,今天又不用他从井里提水了。    小岛上的发电专家    今天咱们来到这座非洲小岛,