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热电偶是工业生产中用来测量温度和实现自动调节不可缺少的感温元件,它测温范围广,一般为-50℃~+2000℃,准确度高,结构简单,使用方便,而且可以实现远距离自动测量和自动调节。通过温度变送器进入微机,可实现集中检测和控制。由于热电偶测温所处的环境恶劣,常在高温高压、酸、碱、盐等有害物质中工作,易造成失准。所以对热电偶进行周期检定是很必要的。为此,原计划到上海自动化仪表三厂购置一套热电偶检定设备,不仅价格昂贵,而且没有现货。为了满足生产需要于是决定在原有旧设备的基础上进行改造。本着节约的原则,购置了一台万分之五的直流低阻电位差计,解决了原不符合标准要求的问题。加装了冷端补偿器。利用一个经过改造的 Thermocouple is used in industrial production to measure the temperature and achieve an indispensable temperature sensing element, which measures a wide range of temperature, generally -50 ℃ ~ + 2000 ℃, high accuracy, simple structure, easy to use, and can be achieved Long-range automatic measurement and automatic adjustment. Through the temperature transmitter into the computer, can achieve centralized detection and control. As thermocouple temperature in the harsh environment, often in high temperature and pressure, acid, alkali, salt and other harmful substances in the work, easy to cause inaccurate. Therefore, the thermocouple cycle test is necessary. To this end, the original plan to Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Factory purchased a thermocouple test equipment, not only expensive, but not in stock. In order to meet the production needs, we decided to rebuild the old equipment on the basis of the original. In line with the principle of saving, the acquisition of a five thousandths of the DC low resistance potentiometer to solve the original does not meet the standard requirements. Added cold junction compensator. Make use of a remodeled
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据湖南省《水产信息》报道,湘阴县甲鱼人工养殖历史悠久,养鳖实践经验丰富,该县现有甲鱼生产基地400多亩,可提供大量优质种苗和亲 According to the report of Hunan Fishe
一、前言 有关南海金枪鱼类的生产和调查研究,早在40年代我台湾省渔民做过不少工作,大陆沿海过去一直没有发展大型金枪鱼钓渔业,只在海南岛、南海北部有少数拖毛钓和地拉网