统一认识 顾全大局 为完成1989年国家预算任务而努力——国务委员兼财政部长王丙乾在七届全国人大二次会议上的报告的第三部分

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为了确保1989年国家预算的完成,各地区、各部门必须统一认识,顾全大局,发扬艰苦奋斗、勤俭建国的精神,把治理、整顿、改革同增产节约、增收节支运动紧密结合起来,扎扎实实地做好各项工作。(一)继续开展增产节约、增收节支运动,保证财政收入的稳定增长。坚持增产节约、增收节支,是保证财政收入稳定增长的关键。为了消除经济过热,今年工业增长速度要适当降低,对财政收入会有一些影响。因此,今年收入的增长,主要靠提高经济效益和开辟新的财源来实现。各地区、各部门要积极增产能源和短线原材料,人民生活必需的日用工业品,适销对路的轻纺产品和回笼货币多的紧俏商品,以及出口创汇产品。所有企业都要努力提高产品质量,降低动力和原 In order to ensure the completion of the state budget in 1989, all localities and departments must unify their understanding of the overall situation, carry forward the spirit of hard work and thrift and the founding of a new nation, and closely integrate governance, rectification and reform with increasing production and saving and increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. Do all kinds of work in the field. (I) Continue to increase production and save more, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and ensure a steady growth of financial revenue. Adhere to increasing production and saving income and saving, is to ensure the steady growth of financial revenue key. In order to eliminate overheating, the pace of industrial growth this year should be appropriately reduced, which will have some impact on fiscal revenue. Therefore, the growth of income this year will mainly be realized by increasing economic efficiency and opening up new sources of revenue. All localities and departments should actively increase production of energy sources and short-term raw materials, daily-use industrial products necessary for the people’s daily life, textile products that are marketable, and tight-knit goods with more withdrawn currencies, as well as export-earning foreign exchange products. All enterprises must strive to improve product quality, reduce power and the original
文化可以创意,有“文化创意(culture creation)”一说,而且颇为流行,在此基础上又有“文化创意产业”。当人们在倡导文化创意的时候,自然不能忘了“文学创意”。于是“文学创意”进入了人们的视野。有学者认为:“文学创意,即运用创意思维,以多元和系统的方式从事文学活动与创作,实现对于文学意蕴及其作用的强化,增进其文化价值与经济价值。”(田川流《创意时代的文学创意》,文艺报 2009年8月18