
来源 :上海教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruiye
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我校是一所薄弱的农村初级中学,学生的素质不高,数学学科上的后进生特别多。要使这些后进生摆脱困境,首先要了解其原有的学习基础,针对学生的实际情况,我主要通过以下几方面进行实践。一、把情感融入数学教学中,使后进生对数学学习产生兴趣现代心理学研究证明:人的智力因素并不是教育中成功与否的唯一或决定性根据,非智力因素和情感因素也具有不可忽视的地位和作用。只有充分地对这两个互相区别又互相依赖的因素加以考虑,运用各种 Our school is a weak junior middle school in rural areas. The quality of students is not high, and there are especially many students in the mathematics. To get these underachievers out of trouble, we must first understand its original learning foundation. In light of the actual situation of students, I mainly practice through the following aspects. I. Integrating emotions into mathematics teaching so that later students are interested in learning mathematics. Modern psychological research shows that: The human intelligence factor is not the only or decisive basis for success in education. Non-intelligence factors and affective factors also cannot be ignored. The status and role. Only fully consider these two factors that are different from each other and depend on each other.
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(一 )   2 0 0 0年第 9期数学问题的第 1 2 67题是 :试确定a0 的取值范围 ,使由递推式an+ 1 =- 3an+2 n(n=0 ,1 ,2 ,… )给出的数列是严格增数列 .该题提供者给出的解答有误 ,原解
我按照“智慧学习”的教育理念,在语文教学中做了一些初步的尝试。一、培养学生收集信息和处理信息的能力。 1.明确阅读训练的形式价值。我们研究课文作 In accordance wit