总结经验 把设备现场管理推向新水平

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近年来,笔者曾到一些设备管理优秀企业调研、学习,对他们设备现场管理的做法和经验留下了深刻印象笔者认为在深化企业改革的今天,有必要认真总结企业设备现场管理的好经验,并不断赋予新意,把设备现场管理推向新水平.一、面向市场 管好现场作业现场是生产系统的躯体.企业的基本职工在现场,企业的资产和资金的主体在现场,企业的生产能力思想作风、管理水平在现场体现,企业的科学决策也要通过现场作业去完成.一句话,现场是企业各种生产要素的集结地和“曝光”的场所.因此,企业现场管理十分重要;然而,现在有一些企业仅把眼睛盯着市场,而忽视了现场,最终将导致丢失市场.所以,要摆正市场与现场的关系,以市场促现场,以现场保市场,切实做好现场管理工作. In recent years, I have to some of the equipment management excellent enterprise research, study, their on-site management practices and experiences left a deep impression I believe in deepening the reform of enterprises today, it is necessary to seriously summarize the management of enterprise equipment field experience, And continue to give new ideas to push the field management of equipment to a new level.First, the market-oriented field operation site is the body of the production system.Oil-basic staff at the scene, the enterprise’s assets and funds in the main body, the production capacity of enterprises Ideological style, management level reflected in the scene, the enterprise’s scientific decision-making but also through on-site operations to complete.In short, the site is the concentration of all kinds of production factors and “exposure.” Therefore, the enterprise site management is very important; however , And now some companies only focus their eyes on the market and neglect the scene, which will eventually lead to the loss of the market.So, we should correct the relationship between the market and the site, promote the market by the market and ensure the market by the site, so as to effectively manage the site .
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