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油桐(Aleurites fordii Hemsl.)原产我国。桐油是我国的传统出口物资,常年出口量约占世界总销售量的60%左右。目前在内需外销上,桐油都是国家的紧缺物资。我省油桐面积较大,也是全国重要产区之一。为了适应四化建设的新形势,加快我省油桐生产的步伐,笔者根据多年野外调查资料和有关文献记载,就我省油桐资源及其发展途径略陈己见,谨供参考。一、我省油桐生产现状1.历年生产情况:我省种植油桐有悠久的历史,解放前所产之桐油多经汉江、丹江水运武汉出售。据贾伟良先生的“中国桐油之研究”记载,1946年我省桐油产量为3.84万斤,产地有陕南24个县。解放后,由于党和政府重视桐油生产,产量显著提高,由1950年的675万斤,增长到1981年的1577万 Aleurites fordii Hemsl. Originated from China. Tung oil is China’s traditional export materials, perennial exports account for about 60% of the world total sales. Currently in the domestic market for export, tung oil is the country’s scarce supplies. Tung oil in my area larger, but also one of the country’s major producing areas. In order to adapt to the new situation of the four modernizations and speed up the pace of tung oil production in our province, the author based on years of field survey data and relevant literature records, on the province Tung oil resources and its development a little slightly, for reference. First, the production status of tung oil in our province 1. Past production: tung oil growing in our province has a long history, the tung oil produced before the liberation by the Han River, Wuhan Danjiang water for sale. According to Mr. Jia Weiliang’s “Research on Chinese Tung Oil”, the production of tung oil in our province in 1946 was 38,400 kg, with 24 counties in southern Shaanxi. After the liberation, due to the importance attached by the party and the government to the production of tung oil, the output increased significantly from 675 million jin in 1950 to 15.77 million in 1981
The discovery of highly active 2,6-bis(imino)pyridyl iron and cobalt complexes provided a milestone of latetransition metal catalysts for ethylene oligomerizati
这两年,因为多次参加广东省江门市地区“陈冠时烈士迁坟事件”的采访,在工作中我认识了新闻事件当事人陈冠俦、陈冠岳(后改名陈铁)、陈宜颂三位老 In the past two years, b