Unsteady Flow Variability Driven by Rotor-stator Interaction at Rotor Exit

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq279301979
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Numerical investigation of the unsteady flow variability driven by rotorstator interaction in a transonic axial compressor is performed. Two models with close and far axial gap between rotor and stator rows are studied in the simulation. Particular attention is attached to the analysis of mechanisms involved in driving rotor wake oscillation, rotor wake skewing and flow angle fluctuation at rotor exit. The results show that smaller axial gap is favorable to enhance the interaction in the region between two adjacent rows, and the fluctuation of the static pressure difference between two sides of rotor wake is improved by potential field from down stator, which is the driving force for rotor wake oscillation. The interaction between rotor and stator is weakened by increasing axial distance, rotor wake shifts to suction side of rotor blade with 5%-10% of rotor pitch, the absolute value of flow angle at rotor exit is less than that in the case of close interspace for every time step, and the fluctuation amplitude is also decreased. Numerical investigation of the unsteady flow variability driven by rotorstator interaction in a transonic axial compressor is performed. Two models with close and far axial gap between rotor and stator rows are studied in the simulation. rotor wake oscillation, rotor wake skewing and flow angle fluctuation at rotor exit. The results show that smaller axial gap is favorable to enhance the interaction in the region between two adjacent rows, and the fluctuation of the static pressure difference between two sides of rotor wake. The interaction between rotor and stator is weakened by increasing axial distance, rotor wake shifts to suction side of rotor blade with 5% -10% of rotor pitch , the absolute value of flow angle at rotor exit is less than that in the case of close interspace for every time step, and t he fluctuation amplitude is also decreased.
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