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  What’s the difference between African wild dogs and the dogs we know as pets?
  For one thing, African wild dogs, which live in Africa, south of the Sahara desert, only have four toes, while domestic[驯养的] dogs and wolves have five. But you wouldn’t want to count for yourself, because these are truly wild animals.
  “Wild dogs are not somebody’s domestic dogs that ran away and didn’t come back, although some people used to think that,” explains Dr. “Tico” McNutt, who studies these animals at Wild Dog Research Camp in the African country of Botswana. “They are actually Africa’s wolf, and just like wolves, they do not make good pets. They need to be out in the wild doing what they are supposed to be doing – ranging[在……徘徊] many miles every day and hunting to find the food they need to survive and feed pups[幼畜].”
  In fact, they travel so far that researchers use radio collars to keep track of them. The collars send out radio signals that tell people where the dogs are. African wild dogs are a separate species[种类] from domestic dogs: lycaon pictus注, which means painted, wolf-like animal. No two wild dogs have the same pattern to their coats[(动物的)皮毛], so it is easy to tell them apart.
  Roaming[来回走动] through grasslands, savannas[热带大草原], and wooded areas, they hunt gazelles[瞪羚], baby wildebeests[牛羚], warthogs[疣猪], birds and rats. Incredible hunters, they can run up to 35 miles per hour.
  African wild dogs are smart and sociable, like pet dogs. They enjoy each other’s company and live in packs of about six to 20 animals. Both males and females look out for young dogs and make sure they have food. Dr. McNutt was surprised to learn that they like pups so much, they will even take care of orphans that don’t belong to them.
  African wild dogs talk to each other with two common types of calls, says Dr. McNutt. “The
  ‘hoo’ call is a call that they make when lost or when a pack member is missing. It sounds almost like an owl.” The dogs can hear the call two or three miles away and easily find each other.
  On the other hand, says Dr. McNutt, “The twitter[吱吱地叫] calls are intended to carry only very short distances, and are used to wake up the pack members and rally[召集] them to go hunting. They are very high pitched[高音调的] and sound almost like songbird calls.”
  There’s one huge difference between domestic or pet dogs and African wild dogs. Millions ofdomestic dogs live on the planet, but there are probably fewer than 6,000 African wild dogs left.
  Lions and hyenas eat them, but most of all, African wild dogs are threatened by people.
  Humans hunt them, and ranchers[牧场主,农场工人] and farmers who don’t want them going after cows and sheep poison them. Humans are also destroying the wild, natural habitat[栖息地] they need to survive.
  Researchers like Dr. McNutt are working to help people understand how rare and special these animals are. Today, more ranchers are finding other ways to protect their cows and sheep from African wild dogs instead of killing the rare and special animals.
  事实上,由于它们的活动范围实在太广,研究人员不得不利用无线电项圈来记录它们的行踪。这些项圈会发出无线电信号,告诉人们野犬的位置。非洲野犬和家犬属于不同种类。它们是非洲野犬属(lycaon pictus),这个名字的意思是“外形似狼的杂色动物”。每一只野犬的毛皮都不相同,所以很容易便能将它们区分开来。
  注:“lycaon pictus”(拉丁文)是非洲野犬的学名。非洲野犬也叫非洲猎犬或杂色狼,是一种生活在非洲草原、灌木丛以及稀疏林地的犬科动物,是非洲野犬属下的唯一一种。
本文出自奥巴马于2008年6月15日发表的父亲节讲话。他在演讲中讲述了自己在单亲家庭成长的经历,呼吁黑人父亲给孩子更多关爱。排比句的运用是演讲中最常见的语言技巧之一,注意学习奥巴马如何活用排比,将这个简单易懂的选段处理得如此激动人心。  材料内容选自中信出版社出版的《跟奥巴马学英语》一书。该书选取了奥巴马竞选总统以来的9篇精彩演讲,话题涉及美国社会的方方面面,让读者在学习语言的同时进一步了解美国。
乔希有一个秘密:他是一个狼人,每隔四周就要在月圆之夜变身。  艾丹有一个秘密:他是一个吸血鬼,每时每刻都要与自己吸血的天性作斗争。  尽管“身份”特殊,这对难兄难弟依然渴望过上正常人的生活。他们为了互相照看而搬进了一所公寓,谁知公寓里竟然住着女鬼萨莉,三只怪物勉为其难地开始“同居”……  山寨其实并非国内电视台的专利,大洋彼岸的美国向来有“英剧翻拍情结”,其中不乏《办公室》(The Office)
十几岁的时候,大多数人都在学校舒舒服服地上课、跟同学玩耍吧。来自美国的麦克纳特兄弟则选择跟随父母前往非洲的野犬研究营,过起露营生活。野外生活是怎样的呢?一起来感受一下吧。而在下一篇文章里,我们请来他们的父亲为大家介绍非洲野犬这种珍稀动物,看看它们与一般家犬有何不同。    Imagine living in a place where you and your brother are the on
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