Xenoestrogens challenge 17β-estradiol protective effects in colon cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:namezhu
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Several epidemiological,cellular,and molecular studies demonstrate the role of environmental chemicals with endocrine disrupting activities,typical of Westernized societies,in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases including cancer.Nonetheless this information,the design and execution of studies on endocrine disruptors are not yet cognizant that the specific actions of individual hormones often change with development and ageing,they may be different in males and females and may be mediated by different receptors isoforms expressed in different tissues or at different life stages.These statements are particularly true when assessing the hazard of endocrine disruptors against 17β-estradiol(E2)actions in that this hormone is crucial determinant of sexrelated differences in anatomical,physiological,and behavioral traits which characterize male and female physiology.Moreover,E2 is also involved in carcinogenesis.The oncogenic effects of E2 have been investigated extensively in breast and ovarian cancers where hormone-receptor modulators are now an integral part of targeted treatment.Little is known about the E2preventive signalling in colorectal cancer,although this disease is more common in men than women,the difference being more striking amongst pre-menopausal women and age-matched men.This review aims to dissect the role and action mechanisms of E2 in colorectal cancer evaluating the ability of estrogen disruptors(i.e.,xenoestrogens)in impair these E2 actions.Data discussed here lead to define the possible role of xenoestrogens in the impairment and/or activation of E2signals important for colorectal cancer prevention. Several epidemiological, cellular, and molecular studies demonstrate the role of environmental chemicals with endocrine disrupting activities, typical of Westernized societies, in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases including cancer. Nonetheless this information, the design and execution of studies on endocrine disruptors are not yet cognizant that the specific actions of individual hormones often change with development and aging, they may be different in males and females and may be mediated by different receptors isoforms expressed in different tissues or at different life stages. These statements are particularly true when assessing the hazard of endocrine disruptors against 17β-estradiol (E2) actions in that this hormone is crucial determinant of sexrelated differences in anatomical, physiological, and behavioral traits which characterize male and female physiology. Moreover, E2 is also involved in carcinogenesis. oncogenic effects of E2 have been investigated extensively in breast and o varian cancers where hormone-receptor modulators are now an integral part of targeted treatment. Little is known about the E2 preventive signaling in colorectal cancer, although this disease is more common in men than women, the difference being more striking among pre-menopausal women and age -matched men. This review aims to dissect the role and action mechanisms of E2 in colorectal cancer evaluating the ability of estrogen disruptors (ie, xenoestrogens) in impairments. These E2 actions. Data discussed here lead to define the possible role of xenoestrogens in the impairment and / or activation of E2signals important for colorectal cancer prevention.
LAZICA DA,ROTH S,BRANDT AS,et al.Urol Int,2013Aug 23.[Epub ahead of print]目的评估膀胱pTa期高级别膀胱癌行二次经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除术(TURB)后4.5年的肿瘤学结果。方法
◆摘 要:习主席在学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会中强调,在新的时代,“我们办中国特色社会主义教育,就是要理直气壮开好思政课,用新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人”。而初中生正处在生理心理发展的关键期,道德与法治的课程对于学生世界觀、人生观、价值观的塑造,落实立德树人起到重要作用。在这样的背景下本文试图构建“学思行”教学模式,教师充分考虑学生实际,充分尊重学生的学习主体性,发挥学生的主动性,引导学生充
◆摘 要:笔者所任教学校是一所农村小学,所教学生也都是农村孩子,基础比较薄弱,如何搞好语文教学,特别是词汇教学,并为写作打下良好基础,笔者成立了《规范语文词汇教学策略的研究》课题组,并进行了一些研究,总结出一些适合农村小学的词汇教学策略:模糊反复法,比较会意法,换词体会法,演示实验法,动作比较法,电教展示法等。  ◆关键词:小学;语文;词汇;教学  笔者本学年教三年级语文,学生开始接触写作,要写作
◆摘 要:职业道德与法律课程教学在中职德育教学中占据着十分重要的地位,只有使学生树立起良好的职业道德规范和法律基础,才能在后续的工作中规范自我,实现人生价值。本文通过分析如今《职业道德与法律基础》课堂教学中存在的问题,通过具体案例分析情景教学法的具体作用,为后续教学的展开提供一定方向。  ◆关键词:中职教育;《职业道德与法律》课程;情境教育  《职业道德与法律》课程开设的目的就是提高学生道德修养的
◆摘 要:数学是小学教学中难度最大也十分重要的一门课程,对于小学生的数学启蒙以及数学基础能力的培养具有重要意义。新课程改革背景下提出关于小学数学学生思维能力培养的新要求,对此小学数学迎来新的发展时机,也是小学数学教学落实素质教育要求的重要环节。本文将围绕小学数学课堂教学中学生思维能力的培养进行探讨。  ◆关键词:小学数学;课堂教学;思维能力  小学阶段是落实素质教育促进学生全面发展的重要阶段,数学
◆摘 要:随着教育的发展,小学英语教学受到了更多的重视,在探索与实践中不断地发展。广大小学英语教师正在尝试新的教学理念和教学方法,不断地追求着更有效的英语课堂。结合教学实例,分析小学英语课堂教学在活动设计、小组合作学习、课堂评价等方面存在的问题,并提出相应的改进对策,以提高小学英语教学的有效性。  ◆关键词:活动设计;小组合作学习;课堂评价;有效性;对策  我们都知道影响小学英语课堂教学效果的因素
◆摘 要:教育学家说:数学来源于生活,生活中处处有数学。新课标的修改也强调了数学与实际生活的联系,目标要求让学生感受到数学与生活的紧密联系,并会运用数学知识解决生活中遇到的实际问题。在教学中,我们应该从学生的生活经验和已有的知识背景出发,把生活经验数学化,数学问题生活化,让学生体会生活中处处有数学,数学知识是“有用”的,体会学习数学的乐趣和魅力。  ◆关键词:数学问题;数学教学;教学联系实际  教