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是制作菜肴中,常用的一种烹饪方法.将易熟或经初步熟处理后的原料先拍上一层面粉,后放入已调味并打匀的蛋液中拌匀,排在有少量油脂的锅中,用温火把原料煎至两面金黄,再加入调味品和少量汤汁,用慢火把汤汁收干而成菜的方法,称为(?).  is a cooking method commonly used in cooking.Will be cooked or preliminarily cooked raw material first on a layer of flour, then into the seasoning and beating the egg mixture and mix well, in a small amount Grease pot, with a warm fire fry the material on both sides of the golden yellow, then add condiments and a small amount of soup, with slow heat to dry the soup made of vegetables, called (?).
西菜中有一款罐闷牛肉,这和我奶奶烧的鱼汤有相似之处,奶奶的手艺是祖传的,每逢家里烧这款菜,都大受欢迎,吃的有滋有味.下面把这款美味的做法介绍给大家. There is a can o
荔枝鱼片原料:草鱼(或青鱼)一尾约1000克鲜荔枝500克 菜油(或花生油)500克 料酒15克 水淀粉25克 葱段10克 红辣椒2个 姜葱汁各10克鲜汤50克 精盐、味精各适量制法:将鱼打鳞
有些人尤其是单身职工往往为图方便,经常以方便面代替主餐,而不添加其它食品,这样做对身体健康很不利,容易导致营养缺乏症. Some people, especially those who are single
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主料:熟驼掌500克.配料:冬瓜、胡萝卜、莴笋各250克.调料:精盐、味精、酱油、料酒.白糖各适量. Ingredients: 150 grams of camellia palm Ingredients: melon, carrots, l
AIM: To determine the clinical value of diffusion-weight- ed imaging (DWI) for the diagnosis of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (EHCC) by comparing the diagnost
我家常自制咸鸡蛋,但往往有些蛋壳破裂,味太咸,不好处理,后来想了一个办法,特介绍给读者一试. My homemade homemade salted eggs, but often some broken eggshell, taste
△麻酱腰片(北京口味) 用料:猪腰子3个、黄瓜片100克、芝麻酱50克、香油25克、黄酒、盐、白糖、味精少许。 制法:黄瓜片用盐渍一下,滤去汁水,放在盘中,麻酱用香油拌匀加盐糖