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△麻酱腰片(北京口味) 用料:猪腰子3个、黄瓜片100克、芝麻酱50克、香油25克、黄酒、盐、白糖、味精少许。 制法:黄瓜片用盐渍一下,滤去汁水,放在盘中,麻酱用香油拌匀加盐糖味精,腰子切成大薄片,在开水中氽至刚熟,沥干、平铺在黄瓜上, △ Ma sauce waist piece (Beijing taste) Ingredients: pig kidney 3, 100 grams of cucumber slices, sesame paste 50 grams, 25 grams of sesame oil, rice wine, salt, sugar, MSG a little. Method: cucumber slices with salt, filtered to the juice, on the plate, sesame paste with sesame salt and MSG, cut into large slices of the kidneys, in water boil until just cooked, drain, tiled in cucumber on,
西菜中有一款罐闷牛肉,这和我奶奶烧的鱼汤有相似之处,奶奶的手艺是祖传的,每逢家里烧这款菜,都大受欢迎,吃的有滋有味.下面把这款美味的做法介绍给大家. There is a can o
荔枝鱼片原料:草鱼(或青鱼)一尾约1000克鲜荔枝500克 菜油(或花生油)500克 料酒15克 水淀粉25克 葱段10克 红辣椒2个 姜葱汁各10克鲜汤50克 精盐、味精各适量制法:将鱼打鳞
有些人尤其是单身职工往往为图方便,经常以方便面代替主餐,而不添加其它食品,这样做对身体健康很不利,容易导致营养缺乏症. Some people, especially those who are single
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主料:熟驼掌500克.配料:冬瓜、胡萝卜、莴笋各250克.调料:精盐、味精、酱油、料酒.白糖各适量. Ingredients: 150 grams of camellia palm Ingredients: melon, carrots, l
AIM: To determine the clinical value of diffusion-weight- ed imaging (DWI) for the diagnosis of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (EHCC) by comparing the diagnost
我家常自制咸鸡蛋,但往往有些蛋壳破裂,味太咸,不好处理,后来想了一个办法,特介绍给读者一试. My homemade homemade salted eggs, but often some broken eggshell, taste