湖州市放宽政策 搞活国营工业小企业

来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beargtg
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浙江省湖州市是全国64个经济体制综合改革试点城市之一。1984年,湖州市对国营工业小企业实行“全民所有,集体经营,照章纳税,自负盈亏”的办法,把所有权同经营权适当分开,调动了企业和职工的积极性,促进了生产的发展和经济效益的提高。1984年,全市国营工业小企业工业总产值比上年增长20.4%,利润增长27.7%;1985年与1984年相比,工业总产值增长29.2%,利润增长52.7%。改革出现了好势头。总结湖州市国营工业小企业改革的经验,主要有以下四个方面:一、实行“先予后取”政策。湖州市国营工业小企业占全市国营工业总数的56%,而工业总产值不足五分之一,实现利润不足六分之一。由于厂多面广,效益低,留利少,想搞活没有动力,想发展缺少实力,往往是 Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, is one of 64 pilot cities for the comprehensive reform of the economic system in China. In 1984, Huzhou Municipality practiced the principle of “ownership by the whole people, collective management, taxation according to rules, and self-financing profits and losses” of state-owned industrial enterprises, and properly separated ownership and management rights, mobilized the enthusiasm of enterprises and staff and promoted the development of production and economy Benefit increase. In 1984, the gross industrial output value of the state-owned industrial small enterprises increased by 20.4% over the previous year and profits by 27.7%. Compared with 1984, the total industrial output value increased by 29.2% and the profit increased by 52.7%. The reform has shown a good momentum. Summarize the experience of Huizhou reform of state-owned industrial enterprises, mainly in the following four aspects: First, the implementation of the “preferential treatment” policy. Huzhou City, state-owned industrial enterprises accounted for 56% of the city’s total state-owned industries, while less than 1/5 of the total industrial output value, less than one-sixth of profits. Due to the wide range of plants, low efficiency, less profit, no incentive to invigorate, want to develop the lack of strength, often
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