
来源 :课程教材教学研究(教育研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:reeyung
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我国中等职业学校主要培养技术应用型人才,重点是让学生学习专业技术,因而比较重视职业道德和职业能力的培养,为学生未来的职业技术需要打基础。但不容忽视的是,学生的自信心、进取心、想象力、创造力等心智的发展,健全人格、正确的道德价值观念的建立以及人文情怀与艺术素养的提高,仍然是教育培养的重要内容。要充分开发学生的潜 The secondary vocational schools in our country mainly cultivate skilled personnel. The emphasis is to enable students to learn professional skills. Therefore, they attach more importance to the cultivation of professional ethics and professional competence, laying the foundation for the future vocational and technical needs of students. However, it can not be ignored that the development of students’ self-confidence, enterprising spirit, imagination, creativity and other mental development, sound personality, the establishment of correct moral values ​​and the improvement of humane feelings and artistic accomplishment are still important contents of education and training . To fully develop the potential of students
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