An Analysis of Celie's Psychological Transformation in The Color Purple

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Alice Walker is widely recognized as one of significant African-American writers and her most prominent work,The Color Purple,has won three awards altogether:the Pulitzer Prize,the America Book Award as well as the National Book Critics Circle Award nomination.It tells the story of how a submissive black girl named Celie undergoes the double oppression of racism and sexism at first,but transforms into an economically andmentally independent black woman eventually.This thesis will analyze Celie’s psychological transformation from the perspective of Freud’s personality theory and concludes that internal factors for Celie’s psychological transformation areof great referential significance for all the women to explore their way to liberation. Alice Walker is widely recognized as one of significant African-American writers and her most prominent work, The Color Purple, has won three awards altogether: the Pulitzer Prize, the America Book Award as well as the National Book Critics Circle Award nomination.It tells the story of how a submissive black girl named Celie undergoes the double oppression of racism and sexism at first but but transforms into an economically andmentally independent black woman eventually.This thesis analyzes Celie’s psychological transformation from the perspective of Freud’s personality theory and concludes that internal factors for Celie’s psychological transformation are of great referential significance for all the women to explore their way to liberation.
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