Studies on the relationship between tourism and culture home and abroad

来源 :成长·读写月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tsianyong
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  【Abstract】With the development of tourism home and abroad, people from different cultural backgrounds have different ways of traveling and taste. This paper will study the relationship between tourism and culture home and abroad from the comparison the culture of China with that of abroad and then make a detail description about differences of traveling ways from several aspects.
  【Key words】home and abroad;tourism ways;differences of culture
  Widely speaking, culture is a social phenomenon, a product of people long to create. It is also a kind of historical phenomenon, the precipitate of social history. Specifically, culture is the common inheritance of the state or national history, geography, local conditions and customs, traditions, way of life, literature and art, behavior standards, ways of thinking, values, etc., and it is an universal recognized ideology can be inherited for the communication of human.
  Different natural environment and social atmosphere will result in the different modes of culture. Because of these differences, people from different nations will have different traveling ways, and there will display various characteristics of traveling between home and abroad. In this paper, I will analyze these differences to demonstrate the relationship between culture and tourism.
  First of all, I will discuss the difference of cultural regions. China is a great country with a long history of a five thousand years. Its culture begins from the Huang River and Yangtze river basin. China is a destination with exceptional topography and immense potential for tourism development. China is famous for its unique characteristics of the specific of landscape, the climate and the biological diversity. It is surrounded by great mountains and the warm wet weather is comfortable and pleasant, suitable for farming. For one thing, the mainland provides huge scope for people to live and develop. For another, the vast mainland has mature agriculture civilization far more than that of developed European. Resulted from the special geographic conditions and the developed agricultural civilization, the culture of Chinese embodies on the introversion, static state. Thus the organization form of Chinese society is patriarchal clan system, combined individual and family which promote the development of social and business.
  Compared with foreign countries, the core of abroad culture is from Europe. And the region of Europe culture is ancient Greek and Roman culture. Around the Mediterranean, local residents live by sailing, overseas business. Because the main cultural exchange of Europe is by oversea business, western people formed the conquest of the ocean, the risk of spiritual, and formed the idea of rationality and freedom. With an eye to the outside of the see, they look forwards to the future, and has a strong interest in exploring the outside world. It is the earliest tourism. Compared with China, their cultural characteristics are objective, extroversive. imaginative, adventurous and enterprising.   Secondly, I will manifest that the difference of traveling ways from the following several aspects. Above all, I have listed the differences of the culture, such as region of culture, social organization , nature and social culture and so on. Because of these, I know that the food culture and the ways of traveling around are different from China. Compared to us , foreigners like to visit places focus on their own minds. And they are fond of traveling alone , not joining a group like us. Friend abroad like to purchase goods which is filled with history meanings or memorizing value. But we favor buying handiwork or utility, something like that.
  The differences of tourism between China and abroad resulted in the differences of culture between them. Different culture lead to different ways of traveling. So we should adjust measures to local conditions, do as the Roman does and concrete analysis of concrete problems when we face the tourism.
  [1]Studies on the relationship of culture and differences of China and abroad [C],websites.
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With the development of the economic, design industry is developing at an astonished speed. From the design concept has been received to the contemporary design has been integrated into basic life. Of
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