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中国戏剧家协会福建分会四月二十、二十一日两天在福州召开戏剧工作座谈会,研究如何提高戏剧艺术质量问题。参加座谈的有各剧种名老艺人,部分剧团编导,主要演员共七十多人。福建省委宣传部副部长张格心、省文化局副局长芦令和等负责同志出席参加。张部长并就如何领导戏剧艺术工作和建立一支又红又专的戏剧队伍等问题讲了话。座谈会认为,几年来特别是1958年大跃进以来的戏剧工作,成绩是非常显著的,必须充分地估计和肯定。但是,大家也指出,几年来戏剧艺术水平的提高还不够快,创作表演上特别精彩的剧目还不够多。这主要是由于领导工作抓的不紧,没有充分掌握艺术规律来领导戏剧工作,以及在贯彻“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的方针,在两条腿走路的原则方面左右摇摆所致。为此,今后必须更全面的理解和贯彻执行党的政策。在“百花齐放、百家争鸣”方面,提倡有利于社会主义的花都放,也不反对无害的花;过去有些地区认为只有“主题思想是爱国主义的”或“题材是反映当地古今的英雄人物的”才能参加会演、献礼的提法 On April 20 and 21, Fujian Branch of the Chinese Dramatists Association held a seminar on theater work in Fuzhou two days to study how to improve the quality of theater arts. Participate in the discussion of the various old opera artists, some theater director, the main actor a total of more than 70 people. Fujian Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department Zhang Weixin, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Culture and other responsible comrades attended the ceremony. Minister Zhang also spoke on how to lead the theater art work and create a red and professional drama team. The symposium held that the performance of drama in the past few years, especially since the Great Leap Forward in 1958, has been remarkably remarkable and must be fully estimated and affirmed. However, everyone also pointed out that in recent years the level of theatrical arts has not risen fast enough and there have not been enough outstanding performances in performing arts. This is mainly due to the tight grasp of the leadership work, the inadequate mastery of artistic laws to lead the theater work and the swinging of the principle of “two hundred and ten things are flourishing and a hundred schools of thought” to swing around on the two legs. To this end, we must more fully understand and implement the party’s policies in the future. In the area of ​​“letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend,” we advocate the liberation of socialism in favor of Huadu and oppose harmless flowers. In the past, in some areas, only the theme of “thinking is patriotism” or “the theme is the theme of the ancient and modern heroes ”To attend the performance, gift reference
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