湖北省委、省政府作出举全省之力、实施林业“绿色致富工程”的决策后,十堰市采取多种措施,进行传达贯彻,把实施“绿色致富工程”作为农村重点工作之一,作出了具体部署和安排。元月7日,十堰市举行了隆重的“绿色致富工程”责任状签字仪式。元月12日,市委、市政府又召开全市林业“绿色致富工程”工作会议,专题进行了研究。实施“绿色致富工程”的指导思想、战略目标、基本思路、具体任务和工作抓法都已基本明确,具体来讲,主要是抓好以下工作: 抓科学规划:各地将根据全市总的要求和签订的责任状,认真制定规划。按照因地制宜、适地适树、依厂建林的原则,以市场为导向,将高效经济林、速生丰产用材林和短周期工业原料林规划、分解、落实好。
After Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Government made the decision to give the province the power to implement the forestry “Green Rich Project”, Shiyan City adopted a variety of measures to communicate and implement the “Green Rich Project” as the key rural work One, made specific arrangements and arrangements. January 7, Shiyan City held a grand “green get rich project ” responsibility ceremony signing ceremony. January 12, municipal Party committee, city hall held the city’s forestry “green get rich project ” working meeting, the topic undertook the research. The guiding ideology, strategic objectives, basic ideas, specific tasks and work methods for implementing the project of “green enrichment” have been basically clear. Specifically, they mainly focus on the following tasks: Grasping the scientific planning: Requirements and signed the responsibility of shape, serious planning. According to local conditions, suitable tree, according to the principle of plant-building, market-oriented, high-efficiency economic forest, fast-growing high-yield timber and short-cycle industrial raw material forest planning, decomposition, implementation.