加速采用国际标准 提高铁矿石标准水平

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采用国际标准是我国的一项重大技术政策,是促进技术进步、提高产品质量的重要措施。目前世界上随着生产、贸易的发展,要求标准具有统一性,向国际标准靠拢,采用国际标准已经是目前世界各国的发展趋势。我国目前很重视修改原有的旧标准,逐步推行与采用国际标准和国外先进标准已提到议事日程。本文从这个目的出发,介绍了有关国际标准的基本知识,以问答方式对几个问题作了详细说明,对了解和制定国际标准有一定的参考价值。 Adopting international standards is a major technical policy in our country and an important measure to promote technological progress and improve product quality. At present, with the development of production and trade in the world, the standards are required to be uniform and move closer to international standards. The adoption of international standards is now the trend of development in all countries in the world. At present, our country attaches great importance to revising the existing old standards, and has gradually referred to the agenda for its gradual implementation and adoption of international standards and foreign advanced standards. Starting from this purpose, this paper introduces the basic knowledge of international standards, elaborates several questions by means of question and answer, and has certain reference value for understanding and making international standards.
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