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在当代诗歌不断受到来自各方面舆论的指责与批评的时候,在人们回首新诗的历史而总是摇首怀疑与叹惜的时候,我们不能不更加深切地感受到由于诗学的匮乏而带来的缺失。虽然在五四前后、三十年代,在五、六十年代的台湾,现代诗学在激烈的论争中曾有所建设和发展,但是在五十年代到八十年代这段漫长的时间里,诗人和诗评家们却长期徘徊在诗学殿堂的门坎之外,进行那些看来重大而又缺少实际意义的“传统与现代”、“东方与西方”之类的论争,对于诗学内部的问题、诗歌艺术本身的问题、现代诗创造的艺术规律问题却几乎从未予以认真的和建设性的探讨。这不能不反过来影响和限定了当代诗歌的发展。所幸的是,在八十年代后期至九十年代以来,一批学养较厚、思想敏锐、且始终关注现代诗的发展进程的青年诗论家相继引起人们的关注,他们不但着手改造陈旧的诗学体系与理论话语,而且逐步向着问题的纵深推进,虽然还有很长的略要走,但可以说,一个现代的中国诗学的框架正遥遥在望。本期推出两位青年诗论家陈仲义和陈超的两篇文章,一篇着力于理论阐述,一篇则倾向于诗性体悟。两篇文章都闪烁着真知灼见,闪现着对于建构当代中国诗学体系的责任与热情。相信读者以此可以测知当代诗学发展的某些信息与脉动。 When contemporary poetry is constantly criticized and criticized by public opinion in various fields, we can not fail to deepen our appreciation for the lack of poetics when people look back on the history of new poetry and always shake their heads. Missing. Although in the 1950s and 1960s, modern poetics had been built and developed in the fierce debate during the 1940s, 1930s, 1930s and 1980s, during this long period of time from the 1950s to the 1980s, Poets and poets and critics have long been hovering outside the threshold of the poetic hall to carry out such controversies as “traditional and modern” and “oriental and western” that appear to be significant and lack actual meaning, Problems, the art of poetry itself, and the law of art created by modern poetry have almost never been seriously and constructively discussed. This can not but influence and limit the development of contemporary poetry. Fortunately, since the late 1980s and the 1990s, a group of young poet theorists, who are more educated and keenly aware, have always been paying attention to the development of modern poetry. They have not only begun to transform the old poems Learning system and theoretical discourse, and gradually moving toward the issue in depth. Although there is still a long way to go, it can be said that the frame of a modern Chinese poetics is far behind. This issue introduces two articles by two young poet theorists Chen Zhongyi and Chen Chao, one focusing on the theory and one on the poetic comprehension. Both articles are gleaning with true insights and revealing the responsibility and enthusiasm for constructing contemporary Chinese poetics. I believe readers can use this to measure the development of contemporary poetry certain information and pulse.
《棕榈俪影》(LA DAME DESPALMIERS)描写沙俄皇太子妃莎赫洛特公主一生的悲欢离合,并通过这个故事揭露了沙皇彼得大帝妄图争霸全球的扩张野心。这对我们了解苏联霸权主义的历
一个人要想仅凭个人的努力致富,在为数不多的选择中,写一部畅销书便是其中之一,而约翰·格里森姆就充分享受到了其中的乐趣。 格里森姆在悬疑小说的创作中表现出了少有的天