
来源 :国家外汇管理局文告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stormcn
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为完善外汇管理,规范和引导通过包租货运飞机方式对俄罗斯等独联体国家出口货物的贸易活动(即“包机贸易”),进一步促进我国对外经贸往来,日前,国家外汇管理局发布了《关于包机贸易外汇管理有关问题的通知》(以下简称《通知》)。这些措施的实质是,通过疏堵并举,将包机贸易的结算和外汇核销纳入正规渠道。目前包机贸易已经成为我国对俄罗斯等独联体国家出口的一种重要形式,出口商品主要包括服装、鞋帽、小家电等轻工产品。在大力发展正规的一般贸易和边境贸易的基础上,《通知》本着规范和促进其健康发展的原则,调整包机贸易外汇管理措施,促进我国与俄罗斯等独联体国家的整体贸易发展。 In order to improve foreign exchange management, it regulates and guides the trade activities of goods exported to Russia and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States through chartered cargo planes (ie, “Payment Aircraft Trade”), and further promotes China’s foreign trade and economic exchanges. Recently, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange released Notice on Issues Concerning Foreign Exchange Management of Chartered Trade (hereinafter referred to as “Notice”). The essence of these measures is to integrate the settlement of chartered trade and the verification of foreign exchange into formal channels through evacuation. At present, chartered trade has become an important form of China’s exports to Russia and other CIS countries. Export commodities mainly include light industrial products such as clothing, shoes and hats, and small household appliances. On the basis of vigorously developing regular general trade and border trade, the “Notice” adjusts the foreign exchange management measures of chartered aircraft trade in line with the principle of regulating and promoting its healthy development, and promotes the overall trade development between China and Russia and other CIS countries.
Selon une enquête publiée par Mycos sur Internet,une entreprise d’informations et de statistiques qui donne aux jeunes des renseignements concernant des empl
Une fois,un ami m’a demandési j’envisageais de devenir une excellente journaliste parce qu’il savait que j’aimaisécrire.J’ai répondu que je ne le savais