杜渊,1955年生于河南,现居北京,致力于中国画研究与创作。1990年毕业于河南大学美术系,2000年毕业于中央美院,2003年毕业于北京画院,得到王明明、杨正文、石齐等诸家老师的面授,现为王培东老师花鸟画家研究室书画家,中国画院一级书画家,中国国际书画院理事,北京墨缘阁画院副院长,北京天地人才书画院副院长,中国书画艺术研究会理事,兼客座教授,中国书画联合会常务理事,国家博物馆特聘一级画师。2003年为原中共中央副主席汪东兴作画《柳梢喧雀》并合影留念收藏。1999年全国书画大赛中,《雏鸡图》荣获特别金奖。2000年文化部、人民画报社举办世界华人艺术书画展,《晨曲》荣获金奖,作品被文化部收藏。2001年《柳梢喧雀》在中、日、韩联办书画大展赛中,再次荣获金奖,作品被收藏。2003在北京民族文化宫举办个人作品展,书画作品《柳梢喧雀》和唐诗条幅被民族文化宫收藏,同年10月在清华大学体育馆办展览时作品《柳梢喧雀》和《雏鸡》被清华大学收藏。2003年纪念毛泽东诞辰1 10周年书画大展,书法作品行草《七律·长征》和《七绝·庐山仙人洞》荣获一等奖并载入精品集。2006年参加首届天津新农村农民书画大展赛,《柳梢喧雀》荣获特别金奖。杜渊的花鸟画不但气韵生动,妙得其真,绘得其神,而且他的书法也很有特色,不论点、横、竖、撇、捺,还有转折环纡,各自有容,洒脱自然,圆浑蕴藉,豪健奔放,润雅丰腴,飘逸超脱,苍劲老辣,上下衔接,和谐统一,平中寓奇,自成一体,雅俗共赏,屡被国内外艺术团体、博物馆及收藏家收藏。程十发大师赞日:“悲鸿的马,白石老人的虾,今杜渊的麻雀、雏鸡,相映成趣,堪称一绝。”
Du Yuan, born in 1955 in Henan province, now lives in Beijing and devoted himself to the research and creation of Chinese painting. He graduated from Fine Arts Department of Henan University in 1990. He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2000 and graduated from Beijing Art Academy in 2003. He received face teaching from various teachers such as Wang Mingming, Yang Zhengwen and Shi Qi. Now, China Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, China International Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Beijing Jianyuan Pavilion Vice President, Beijing Tiandi Talent Painting and Calligraphy Institute vice president, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Association, and visiting professor, executive director of the Chinese painting and calligraphy Federation, the state Museum of a special artist. In 2003 for the former vice chairman of the Central Committee of the CPC Wang Dongxing painting “Willow crows” and a photo collection. In 1999 the national painting contest, “chick” won the special gold medal. In 2000, the Ministry of Culture and People’s Pictorial Newspaper Society organized the World Chinese Art and Calligraphy Exhibition. The “Chenqu” won the gold medal. The works were collected by the Ministry of Culture. In 2001, “Dancing with Willows” won the gold medal again in the painting, calligraphy and painting exhibition of China, Japan and South Korea. His works were collected. 2003 solo exhibition at Beijing National Palace of Culture, paintings and calligraphy works “Willow crows” and Tang poetry banner collection by the National Palace of Culture, the same year in October at the Tsinghua University Gymnasium exhibition works “Willow sparrows” and “chicks” by Tsinghua University Collection. In 2003 to commemorate the 10 anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong calligraphy and painting exhibition, calligraphy works grass “Qilu Long March” and “Qijue Lushan fairy cave” won the first prize and loaded into the boutique collection. In 2006 to participate in the first New Rural Peasants Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition in Tianjin, “Willow fancy” won the special gold medal. Du Yuan’s flower and bird painting is not only vivid, wonderful and vivid, but also his calligraphy is also very unique, regardless of point, horizontal, vertical, write, Na, and turning ring 各, their own capacity, free and easy Natural, Yuanyunyun, noble and imaginative, Runya Fengtai, elegant and detached, vigorous and spicy, up and down the convergence, harmony and unity, flat in the odd, self-contained, elegant and popular, repeatedly domestic art groups, museums and collectors. Cheng Shifa masters like the day: “Beihong horse, Shiraishi elderly shrimp, Du Yuan’s sparrows, chickens, side by side, called a must.” "