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  记得Wendy念书那日子还是男孩组合大放异彩的年代——Boyzone的风头还在,Backstreet Boys、Westlife、Hanson和’N Sync更如长江后浪,把一大堆女生迷得晕头转向。时移景迁,当“男孩组合”这个概念不再被人提起,有三个年轻人却从迪斯尼造星机器中脱胎而出,走红程度隐约有其前辈面影——
  geople screamed when band members stepped out of the stage door and walked to their cars. Girls pressed up against the fence; some 1)lobbed roses over the barrier. A scene from some movie? Nope. That’s what happened when these three youthful 2)heartthrobs appeared. The Jonas Brothers, whose album has gone 3)platinum, are the
  latest 4)beneficiaries of Disney’s 5)tween-targeted star machine and could be the company’s next big 6)franchise
  after High School Musical and Hannah Montana.
  Disney Radio and the Disney Channel helped 7)propel the musical careers of the brothers Jonas – Nick, 15, Joe, 18, and Kevin, 20 – for years. The company also threw the full weight of its television group behind their first movie, Camp Rock. The 8)exposure has turned the three into a national media 9)sensation these days.
   “This is a moment where the platforms of the television group combine to 10)launch a potentially valuable new franchise,” an 11)executive said.
  Television has long propelled the careers of
  talented young people. Among all these star
  machines, Disney is one of the most powerful. Since the January 2001 12)debut of Lizzie McGuire, the
  Disney Channel has become a creative engine
  producing well-known names like the Cheetah Girls, High School Musical and Hannah Montana. The
  latter two are each expected to gain $1 billion in
  13)retail sales this year.
   “They own the talent, they own the 14)distribution, they can show it all the time on television,” an editor, David Smay said. “It’s almost impossible not to have a hit.”
  Disney’s long-running Mickey Mouse Club (where the Jonas Brothers came from) has also proven to be a 15)breeding ground for future stars. The TV show began in 1955, featuring a regular cast of teenage
  performers. The series has been renamed and
  16)reformatted several times, until it was 17)reincarnated by the Disney Channel in 1989. From then on, the show itself has launched the careers of Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake.
  Steve Greenberg found Nick’s CD in 2005, among a pile of recordings from artists Columbia Records wanted to drop. Greenberg, then the label’s president, said Nick’s voice reminded him of the previous pop group Hanson, whose debut album sold 12 million copies globally.
  “This was the best voice I’ve heard since Hanson,” said Greenberg. “You don’t just let guys like this go.”
  Rich Ross, president of Disney Channels Worldwide, didn’t hear the group until October
  2006. “You know the expression ‘bring down the house’? They brought down the house; they brought down the city; they took
  everything with them,” he said.
  Although Disney’s tightly exposure of the Jonas Brothers is different from how boy bands were made years ago, the challenge for young performers remain the same, Smay says.
  “What usually happens is that they get 18)dumped when they’re no longer young and pretty.”
  But the managers surrounding the group say the best protection for young artists is a solid family.
  “We grew up with a rule: even if at the top, look like you’re at the bottom,” Nick said. “It means to stay 19)humble and keep the right attitude through the whole thing.”
  It’s obvious that the Jonas Brothers are following the path of Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus, but can they make the 20)transition Aguilera and Timberlake so effortlessly made from 21)Mouseketeers to superstars? Let’s just wait.


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CE: Teens曾在2005年8月号上介绍过亚瑟王,这位伟大国王一生的传说几乎都与大魔法师梅林有关,但你是否好奇他们年轻时又有着怎样的故事呢?2008年秋季,BBC给我们带来一个全新版本的魔幻传奇——  梅林来到卡梅洛特投靠母亲的旧识——御医盖乌斯。但这个天生具有强大魔力的年轻人马上发现“魔法”正是尤瑟王的大忌,要在宫里呆下去,他必须伪装成一个普通的下人;更糟糕的是,梅林和好勇斗狠的亚瑟王子打一
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Georgia, a friend of my wife, was recently   divorced and trying to raise her two sons when the Gulf War broke out. She heard about soldiers in the service who had no family and needed pen pals[笔友]. L
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