本课篇幅短小,生僻字词少,且语言明白晓畅,教学应把重点放在引导学生循其思路,知其内容,懂其道理上。因此设计了这“三读十一问”作为阅读提纲,可印发给学生导其自学(不必印答案),然后课堂上只把那些回答有困难的问题作些点拨,使之通窍即可。读第一遍:要求粗知全文之纲,之后回答下面两个问题: 一、文题中“继续”这个词意味着什么?毛主席是在怎样的历史条件下提出这个问题的? (继续,用在这里,说明过去战争年代我党有艰苦奋斗的优良作风,今后要保持、继承这个传统。这就是本文的中心论点。本课文节选自毛泽东
The length of this course is short, rare words are rare, and the language is clear and clear. Teaching should focus on guiding students through their ideas, knowing their contents, and understanding their reasons. Therefore, this “Three Readings and Eleven Questions” was designed as a reading outline, which can be printed and sent to students to teach them self-study (without printing the answers). Then, in the class, only those who answered questions that were difficult to answer should be given a few words to make them available. Read the first time: Ask for the outline of the full text, and then answer the following two questions: 1. What does the word “continuation” in the text mean? Under what kind of historical conditions did Chairman Mao ask this question? (Continued It is used here to illustrate the fine style of our party’s hard struggle in the past war years, and to maintain and inherit this tradition in the future. This is the central argument of this article.