A Study on Positive Aspects of American Family Education

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  【Abstract】As we all know,education is more about imparting knowledge of how to think rather than dead and rotten facts piled up in textbooks. Apart from formal education-schooling,family education also helps to shape the way we think and behave. Globally speaking,American family education is comparatively more successful than any other nations,which is well-evidenced by its world-leading economy that primarily is fuelled by its unparalleled technological and educational levels. According to my research,American family education really builds its deserved success upon its practice of individual focus,that is,enough consciousness of treating children in a scientific way-human attention on brain development,psychological pattern and identity cultivation of children. American family succeeds in its conformity to the brain development,psychological patterns and identity cultivation.
  【Key words】American family education;brain development;psychological pattern;identity cultivation
  This essay centers on the positive aspects of American family education. In this essay,the concept of education is about how parents “teach”,guide and help their child to grow into a responsible and complete social and emotional being. The end is to fathom the bright rationale of American family education and reflect on the deficiencies of Chinese family education by the means of comparison.
  Based on analyses,the research result is that American family education trumpets its victory in the combination of emphasis on brain development,psychological pattern and identity cultivation.
  Ⅱ.Children’s Brain Development
  As is known to all,brain is the core organ of human body,and its development defines a person’s ability to learn and live decently. Hence,when dealing with home education,brain development cannot be shied away.
  Different brain areas are in charge of different functions of body. Brain functions when neurons are connected,therefore failures to connect necessary neurons will dishearten ourselves to perform in the way a person wants to present himself It’s just like a modernized metropolis which relies on complex transportation networks to connect different functional buildings.
  Brain’s development asks for neurons which entail new and constant stimulus,which explains why providing enough or even abundant stimulus for children to develop their brain is important. In addition,the connections between different neurons established,the connections can vanish gradually. Therefore,encouraging brain to practice thinking and repeat those reactions to strengthen the connections seem to be more important.   Children in first three years need nutrition and basic stimulus to grow their brains while in next years,children’s brain development will accelerate until they reach adulthood,when their brain development begins to deteriorate,keep at an optimal level and grows with low speed and many struggles.
  2.1Effects of American parents treatment on children’s brain development
  age period brain development What it means? American parents’ treatment toward their children
  Pre-born life
  crude consciousness Messiness
  no meaning antenatal education
  0-3 Emotions
  Feelings Comfort
  Senses safety,nutrition,physical movement,health,early learning
  4-8 1thinking
  4establishing strong neurons connections Fun
  individual awareness
  eager to know 1invite children to make family rules
  2behavior management
  3encourage curiosity
  4infuse love for sports
  5be tolerant and patient with children
  9-17 psychology
  learning 1world-view formation
  2clear intention of specific behaviors
  4transformation 1culitivate economic awareness
  2strenthen responsibility
  3give more freedom,support and trust
  4encourage competition
  5reinforce self-reliance and individualism
  6emotional guidance when necessary
  18- 1psychology
  3rudimentary maturity want or not
  great agility 1Only provide help when it’s really necessary because children are independent from their parents,at least they have good reasons to be independent
  2emotional care
  Ⅲ.Children’s Psychological Patterns
  Scientifically,psychological development is in perfect accordance with brain development. The pattern and mode of psychology explains why children at different ages behave differently not due to their knowledge or intelligence but their psychological symptoms accompanied by brain development and social codes of conducts of certain age periods imposed and passed down from previous generations.
  3.1 children Psychological patterns and American parents’ assistance in children’s psychological needs
  Phrases of ages Psychological development Children’s needs and struggles How American parents help their Children?   0-2 1empathic ability
  2emotional expression
  4control of body 1N:trust,attention,care
  2S:doubts,fear 1Continuous love
  2play with children with smile and patience
  2-6 1control of body
  2congtive ability
  3language development
  4manage emotion 1N:interdependency
  ,communication and initiative
  2S:guilty,and failures 1soft and patient guidance
  2encourage children to play and share toys with other kids
  3respect children’s reasonable initiatives
  6-13 1learning ability
  2courious tendency
  3gender awareness
  4individulism 1N:confidence
  Efforts and puzzle-solving
  2S:failures,inferiority 1encourage children to try
  2provide necessary challenges
  3infuse positive attitudes toward their failures
  4patient with their confusions
  13-18 1moral judgment
  2acceotance of physical  growth of appearance
  3social cooperation
  4learning ability
  5relationship management
  6self-control 1N:self-identity,
  clear objectives of life,confidence and passion
  2S:indentity confusion,various pressure, 1provide efficient guidance
  2empathize positive sides of children
  3help to build right value systems
  4continuous attention and aids
  3.2 Importance of children’s psychological development
  Systematically,taking family of them into consideration is necessary when children’s psychological growth is studied,otherwise,airy results can only be achieved.
  Freud,a famous Austria neurologist and psychologist once put that children’s experience is tightly related with their sub-consciousness by which our sexual and social development will be mainly determined(Freud 10).
  Ⅳ.Children’s Identity Cultivation
  The ultimate end of education is to give an instrument of learning by thinking to construct the world and various relationships and meanings of things and to reduce mistakes and confusions for better life. Self-awareness not selfishlessness should be brought out to explore. Identity covers heavy significance for individuals in a way that assists them to decide on their own,distinguish right from wrong,squarely view the relationship between various people and things and live as an independent being. So getting to know the meaning of identity as well as how identity awareness contributes to the growth of social beings and relate to their daily life matters.   4.1The meaning of identity
  As for identity,it relates to “wholeness”,“individualism”,“uniqueness”. Literally speaking,identity is how people view themselves or how people view everything about themselves in a way of membership.
  Self-awareness,another name for identity,refers to people’s self-image,self-recognition,self-evaluation,self-experience,self-control and etc,being the core of “self” as a physical being and social individual.(周298-330)
  4.2 Effects of American Family
  American family education helps to cultivate the sense of identity of children,especially on children’s social participation. American parents are greatly concerned about “individuality” of their children.
  American parents encourage children to be themselves and support their creative thoughts and trying. In a sense,through the things they discover children may think and define themselves as being capable of doing something.
  In addition,most American children are not afraid to talk,to express their opinions about something they have resonance with or have disagreement about. This characteristic is not natural but nurtured by the way they are brought up as well as the sense of equality and freedom of family atmosphere.
  Active interaction with parents constitutes a part of importance in children’s development. They way parents conduct and handle problems defines whether a child can appear in an active and confident image before the public. That all family sit at the table with ease and peace to confront conflicts and troubles in a harmonious atmosphere contributes to a satisfactory model for children to stand in others shoes to think and look at complex things.(威特 253-261)
  4.3The importance of identity cultivation
  “Self” is only expressed when it presents itself to others,but there are occasions for the separation between the role and the identity. For example,a person is saying something that he doesn’t want to say when delivering a speech but the words are appropriate and needed in that pressured situation,which shows our identities are sometimes necessarily different from the ways we actually express ourselves. Hence,the complexity of identity lies in the discordance between self-understanding and self-expressing.(波普諾154-176)
  The problem of identity looms large in adolescent period when children’s primary mission is to establish stable identity. The identity can help children to be confident and clear about what kind of persons they are when they have to shoulder different challenging roles in this demanding period.(波普诺 154-176)
  Pretty things are usually simple,but once analyzed,will translate into organized entities with intricate complexions. American successful family education is not an exception. Scientific family nurture which consists of biological,psychological and identity cares weaves a smart of humorous,adventurous,creative and confident American youngsters. This paper excels other similar research in the aspect of coming up with three essential causes of American home education,although with less care about details and examples with vivid description.
  Works cited:
  [1]戴维德. 波普诺 社会学 北京:中国人民大学出版社 2007.
  [2]卡尔威特 卡尔威特的教育  北京:京华出版社 2001.
  [3]周忠奎 儿童青少发展心理学 湖北:华中师范大学出版社 2011.
【摘要】英语语法在初中英语教学中是极其重要的一部分,只有掌握正确的语法,才能学会并运用地道的英语;同时,英语语法在英语教学中也是难点所在,大部分学生对于英语语法的学习面临着重重苦难,甚至觉得枯燥无味,老师也总是各显神通寻找探索合理科学的语法教学方法。本文拟就初中英语语法教学的策略要求做一点探讨。  【关键词】初中英语;语法;教学;策略  语法是语言的骨骼,语法可以帮助识别句子是否正确,是否得体,可
【摘要】本文拟从分析当前小学中学生的科学学习现状及教师的教学方式,并从课堂导入、教学组织、教学评价、教学艺术等几方面提出提高学生的科学学习的兴趣策略。  【关键词】科学;学习;兴趣;策略  引言  科学课程标准指出,小学阶段是培养学生科学兴趣,体验科学过程,发展科学精神的重要时期。学习兴趣是推动学生探求知识的动力,是智能和心理发展的催化剂。它是一种强大的内趋力,从脑科学的角度来说,学习兴趣能促使学
就中考书面表达题来看,作文的分值占得比较大,因此作文的得分对英语总成绩的影响也是不可忽视的。作文是培养综合能力的训练,主要类型为:看图作文、提示作文,也可以命题作文。在平时的作文练习时可以互阅互改,或小组交流,教师批改后作适当讲评,指出文中错误或不足之处,推荐较好习作,选择有共性问题的习作写在黑板上,供大家修改。必要时,也需要对一部分学生的作文当面批当面改。  近年来各地中考英语写作题的题材一般是
【摘要】本文对分组合作理论在初中英语教学中的可能性进行了论述,认为分组合作可以提高学生英语课堂的学习效率;继而结合现实分析目前分组合作在初中英语教学中的现状,以及在教学实践中,分组合作可能存在的问题,希望对分组合作理论进行完善,更加适合初中生学英语的状况。  【关键字】分组合作;课堂效率;英语教学  1. 分组合作学习兴起的背景  21世纪全球进入到信息化时代,知识经济初见端倪,并且成为各国竞争的
【摘要】形式美是文艺创作中最为常用的美学形式,主要表现为对称、均衡、重复、节奏韵律、变化统一等,而古典诗歌诗歌也同样具备这些属于形式美的因素。因此了解形式美并将其运用于教学中,对提高古典诗歌学习效果有很好的指导作用。  【关键词】形式美;古典诗歌的形式美;运用  所谓形式美是“指构成事物的物质材料的自然属性(色彩、形状、线条、声音等)及其组合规律,也即形式美的法则(如整齐一律、节奏与韵律、齐一与参
【摘要】培养学生的写作兴趣、提高学生的写作能力,是语文老师的一个重要任务。本文笔者在一线教学实践中,针对怎样提高作文教学效率和增强学生写作素养展开了有益的尝试和探索,本文与广大同行分享了作文指导课教学的几点做法。  【关键词】创设情境;活动体验;说写结合;方法指导;评价导向;合作分享  小学作文教学是小学语文教学的重要组成部分,也是小学生掌握语文知识的重要标志,是小学语文教学的重难点。但在教学过程
【摘要】思想政治教育作为意识形态教育的重要手段,是阐释国家执政方式和政治体制合法性、合理性的有力手段。思想政治教育要为国家民主治理服务,就必须实现话语的当代转换。当前,对国内关于民主治理背景下思想政治教育话语转换研究进行综合评述,具有抱砖引玉价值。  【关键词】民主治理;思想政治教育话语;话语转换;国内研究  当前,民主治理已成为国家治理的潮流和趋势,推动思想政治教育话语向民主化转换,实现思想政治
幼儿早期阅读的目的在于引发幼儿对书籍、阅读和书写的兴趣。幼儿时期是语言发展的关键期,为使语言得到快速发展,我们该如何培养早期阅读能力呢?以下是我在日常教学活动中的一点心得体会:  一、创设丰富多彩的阅读环境,提高幼儿阅读兴趣  阅读环境,即一种气氛。环境的创设在阅读过程中起着不可忽视的作用,一个良好的阅读氛围会给幼儿带来激情,调动他们学习的积极性。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中明确要求:创设一个自由、宽