In tests against air to air and air-to-surface missiles, five AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles fired from the Vought A-7 were all destroyed by a 400-kilowatt CO2 laser mounted onboard the Boeing NKC-135 aircraft . As early as 1973, the United States Air Force’s weapons laboratory combined surface lasers with precision positioning and tracking systems to destroy the in-flight target aircraft and helicopters. More recently, the lab has developed an iodine-iodide laser operating at 1.3-micron wavelength, which is about one-eighth the wavelength of the currently available carbon dioxide laser system installed in the KC-135 aircraft. The new laser (device) absorbs energy on the target by an order of magnitude, making lasers attractive for air defense applications. Therefore, these lasers clearly have the military potential to be used as space weapons to shoot down incoming warheads, or to equip aircraft L and naval ships to deal with surface-to-air or air-to-surface missiles. Lasers of laser light radiate to the target almost