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在我国,对城市进行系统的民族学研究始于苏维埃时代。从民族学产生时起,农村居民的文化就进入了民族学家的研究范围。人们对这一问题的兴趣历久不衰的原因在于,长期在国家人口中占大多数的农民的文化表现出鲜明的民族学特征,而民族的传统风俗文化的特点最初正是在农村环境中形成的。民族学研究的对象和范围事实上仅局限于对农民文化的研究,这也与不久前还存在的这样一种看法有关,即认为似乎只有农民才绝对是民族传统的体现者。对这种夸大的看法,到本世纪二十至三十年代才开始克服,当时研究者确信光考察农村居民显然是不够的,并开始着手对城市的研究。到五十年代,特别广泛地展开了对城市的民族学工作。转向城市问题的研究标志着民族学研究范围的大大扩展。过去不曾引起民族学家注意的 In our country, a systematic ethnographic study of cities began in the Soviet era. Since the birth of ethnology, the culture of rural residents has entered the research area of ​​ethnologists. The reason why people’s interest in this issue has been prolonged is that the peasants’ culture, which has long dominated the national population, has distinct ethnographic features. The traditional customs and culture of the nation were initially characterized in a rural environment of. The object and extent of ethnological research are in fact only confined to the study of peasant culture, which is also related to the recent notion that it seems that only peasants are definitely the embodiment of national tradition. This exaggerated view was not overcome by the twenties and thirties of this century. At that time, researchers were convinced that it was obviously not enough to inspect rural residents and started to study the cities. By the 1950s, ethnographic work on cities was particularly widespread. The research on the question of urbanization marked a significant expansion of the study of ethnology. In the past did not attract ethnographer attention
<正> 应上海市社会学学会等单位的邀请,西德贝格费尔德大学社会学教授贝格尔于1981年11月10日在上海科学会堂作了题为《从社会学的观点看“现代化”》的学术报告,主讲了现代社会理论及马克思、斯宾塞、涂尔干、韦伯等几个主要社会学奠基人的理论。他认为在这几个人的社会学理论背景中存在着共同的思想基础,即都贯穿着“分化”(Differentiation)的概念,但对于这一概念的内容却有种种不同的理解和解释。贝格尔着重解释了这一概念及
<正> 社会学的复杂性产生于它的研究对象,社会学是探究最高级的复杂物质运动——各种改革、发展和进步过程中的社会运动的关系和联系的.由于社会学揭示社会运动的联系会对社会造成影响,所以社会学家之间经常发生激烈的争论.此外,社会学作为最年轻的学科之一,它还没有完全确定自己的结构和作用.众所周知,社会学的名称是早期实证主义创始人孔德运用的.事实证明,他的努力失败了,尽管
承蒙读者的厚爱,本刊自从在杂志的第三期、第四期和第五期上随刊发放读者问券调查表以来,收到了众多读者的来信来电。 下面是我们对几封读者来信的摘编: Thanks to the love
Dell Hymes proposed seven features of discourse in his’ethnography of speaking’. The seven features are setting, purpose, key, channels, message content and m
这篇演说原名《汉学的内涵与状况》(What and How Is Sinology?)当年曾以单行本面世,后载于美国唐代研究学会所编《唐学报》8—9辑(1990—1991)。译文有所删节,但较多保留了
编辑工作是一项复杂的富有创造性的工作,这种创造性主要表现在四个环节三个方面,而这四个环节三个方面构成了一个编辑创造的功能圈。 Editing is a complex and creative work
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