What is human bycatch? 什么是“人肉背景”?

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  1. paparazzo /?謣p?覸p?藜?謖r?覸ts?藜?尬/ n. 狗仔队
  2. bycatch /?謖ba?奘k?覸t?蘩/ n. 误捕的鱼
  3. enforcement /?奘n?謖f?蘅?蘼sm?藜nt/ n. 执行; 实施
  4. poacher /?謖p?藜?尬t?蘩?藜(r)/ n. 偷猎者
  Imagine you?蒺re on a quiet nature walk. You?蒺re watching animals run and enjoying the peaceful day. That?蒺s when you spot a rare flower. You move to get a closer look. Suddenly, you hear a loud SNAP, SNAP, SNAP! You?蒺re blinded by bright lights. You quickly back away from the flower, but you can?蒺t seem to escape the snapping.
  Are you being followed by the paparazzi? No, but it may feel that way. Instead, you?蒺ve been caught on film by a camera trap. It took pictures of you because you got close to the flower it?蒺s hidden behind. You?蒺ve become human bycatch!
  Human bycatch happens when cameras that are meant to study nature end up taking pictures of people. Usually, this is caused by camera traps. They work by taking pictures when they detect motion. Scientists place them in nature or on drones to get pictures of wildlife.
  What happens to the pictures the camera took of you? Will a scientist study them in their lab? Well...maybe! Researchers don?蒺t usually set up cameras to get photos of humans. Still, they sometimes use pictures of human bycatch to learn about human behavior.
  In many cases, human bycatch has caught people breaking the law. And this happens more often than you might think! A 2018 study surveyed 235 scientists. It found that over 90 percent of them had pictures of human bycatch. And of that 90 percent, half of them had shared images with law enforcement.
  Many people have mixed feelings about human bycatch. After all, the idea of being photographed by strangers makes many uneasy. That?蒺s why some say human bycatch leads to loss of privacy. Still, there are some positive results. Camera traps have helped catch animal poachers. This helps stop poaching and protect animals.
  Still, many people would rather not be caught on cameras unexpectedly. And in some cases, human bycatch leads to problems for researchers. When people realize they?蒺ve been photographed, they sometimes steal or destroy the cameras. Others simply cover the cameras, which also stops them from taking pictures of wildlife.
  Is human bycatch an invasion of privacy? Do human beings have a right to not be photographed against their will? Many say so. To address this issue, some researchers refuse to use pictures that have people in them. Others cover the faces of human bycatch to protect privacy. Some researchers are also working to make smarter technology that won?蒺t photograph humans.   What do you think should be done? Is it okay for camera traps to take pictures of people? Should those images be used for study? Turned over to authorities? Thrown away? How can scientists protect privacy and still learn about wildlife?
  1. When does human bycatch usually take place?
  A. People are absorbed in the beauty of nature.
  B. People are being followed by the paparazzi.
  C. Scientists use pictures of human bycatch to learn about human behavior.
  D. Cameras mean to take pictures of nature but meanwhile take pictures of people.
  2. What do we know about human bycatch from the fifth paragraph?
  A. It causes many people?蒺s concern for privacy.
  B. It perhaps contributes to people?蒺s obeying the law.
  C. 90 percent of the pictures of human bycatch are illegal.
  D. People hope to have strict laws to limit human bycatch.
  3. What?蒺s most people?蒺s attitude towards human bycatch?
  A. Unfavourable. B. Neutral.
继2016年秋发布年度高等教育信息技术问题排名后,EDUCAUSE于1月18日发布了2017年影响高等教育技术的关键问题、趋势和技术的完整报告。报告信息来源于高等教育技术协会2,100个会员大学和其他教育机构,覆盖信息安全、学生成功和数据驱动决策等领域。  2017年排名前10的信息技术问题包括:信息安全;学生成功与完成;数据驱动决策;战略领导;可持续的资金;数据管理与治理; 高等教育承受力;人力
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伊朗的烏尔米亚湖曾经是世界上第二大咸水湖,面积在20世纪90年代一度超过2000平方英里。在过去的二十年里,这个湖已经干涸,有时甚至缩小到其平均面积的20%以下。  难词探意   1. contemporary /k n temp r ri/ adj. 当代的;现代的   2. catastrophe /k t str fi/ n. 大灾难;大灾祸   3. conservative /k n s