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平南县位于桂东南,西江上游,古称龚州。全县面积2988平方公里,辖7乡18镇,人口130万。平南县区位优势明显,东邻粤港澳,西靠大西部,为东部沿海发达地区和资源丰富的西部地区结合部,是大西南东向出海的便捷通道;交通便利,黄金水道西江从中部流过,南梧二级公路、玉林至太平(桂林)省道贯穿县境,平南至容县、武宣二级公路,平南至金秀三级公路已开工建设,四通八达的交通网络已逐步形成。平南县工业快速发展。全县形成了水泥、编织、化工、制衣加工、农副产品加工、造纸六大支柱产业。平南县不断提高项目投资质量,改善投资软硬环境,吸引了港澳台及广东、福建等地客商前来考察、投资。2003年成功引进香港华润集团,并与广西鱼峰集团合股投资15亿元,把原来年产150万吨水泥项目扩大到年产600万吨;引进香港永昌投资发展有限 Pingnan County is located in southeastern Guangxi, the upper reaches of the West River, the ancient name Gongzhou. The county area of ​​2988 square kilometers, administer 7 towns and 18 towns, population 1.3 million. Pingnan County has obvious geographical advantages. It borders Guangdong, Hong Kong and Mau on the east and west of the west on its west. It is a junction of the developed eastern coastal areas and the resource-rich western region. It is an easy access to the sea from the southwest to the sea. With convenient transportation, Over, South Wu two secondary roads, Yulin to Taiping (Guilin) ​​provincial highway runs through the county, Pingnan to Rongxian, Wuxuan two highways, Pingnan to Jinxiu three road construction has been started, extending in all directions of the transport network has been gradually formed. Pingnan rapid industrial development. The county formed a cement, weaving, chemical industry, garment processing, agricultural and sideline products processing, paper six pillar industries. Pingnan County constantly improve the quality of project investment, improve the soft and hard investment environment, has attracted Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, Guangdong, Fujian and other merchants to visit and invest. 2003 successfully introduced Hong Kong China Resources Group, and Guangxi Yufeng Group joint venture 1.5 billion investment, the original annual output of 1.5 million tons of cement project expanded to an annual output of 6 million tons; the introduction of limited investment in Hong Kong Yongchang Development
本文基于Sinclair的“Extended Lexical Unit”的理论模式和Stubbs的语义韵分类,采用语料库的方法,从搭配、类联接、语义偏向、语义韵等入手全面考察“特色”的语义韵,并结合
韩礼德建构的系统功能语法为语篇研究提供了分析的框架。经验、逻辑、语篇和人际纯理功能(interpersonal metafunction)是韩礼德系统功能语法的重要组成部分。本文从人际纯理