1997年7月1日,历史将用浓彩重笔把这个盛世大庆的日子标记。 历经一百五十多年沧桑和风雨,我们终于盼来了东方明珠的回归。五星红旗庄严地升起,依偎在她身旁的是绽放着紫荆花的香港区旗。中华儿女的热泪为她奔涌流淌,民族振兴的趐膀从此将更高地展飞。 紫荆花,绽放在七月的阳光里,她何止带来久别重逢的欢喜?一百多年的苦难,一百多年的奋起,一百多年的改天换地,一百多年的盛衰变易,纷纷涌上心头,犹在眼底:不必剪断,事
On July 1, 1997, history will mark the days of this flourishing Daqing with a rich and colorful pen. After more than 150 years of vicissitudes and trials and tribulations, we finally look forward to the return of Oriental Pearl. Five-star red flag solemnly rise, nestled in her side is blooming Bauhinia Hong Kong flag. The tears of the sons and daughters of China flowed to her, and the rejuvenation of the nation would fly higher. Bauhinia bloom in the sunshine in July, how can she bring long-reunion joy? Hundreds of years of suffering, a hundred years of uprising, a hundred years of change, 100 years of ups and downs and easy, have In my heart, still in the eyes: do not have to cut off, things