
来源 :文艺理论与批评 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:diechong
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根据我手头现有的资料,卢卡契的著作介绍到中国文坛上来,最早当在三十年代中期,即抗日战争前。当时上海出版的《译文》杂志,曾译载过他的一篇关于列·托尔斯泰的研究文章(节译),即《托尔斯泰和现实主义的发展》。这之后,胡风译过一篇《小说的本质》,以群译过一篇《小说》。这两篇均译自卢卡契的《历史小说》。 在四十年代国统区还刊载过卢卡契的一些重要著述,如《论新现实主义》,于春江译,载重庆出版的《文学月报》(罗荪主编);《论文学上人物底智慧风貌》,即《论艺术形象的智慧风貌》,周行译,载桂林出版的一本文艺刊物(可能是王西彦主编的《文艺》,待进一步的查证),《叙述与描写》 According to the information I have at hand, Lukacs’s work is introduced to the Chinese literary world, first as early as the mid-1930s before the Anti-Japanese War. At that time, the translation magazine published in Shanghai had translated one of his articles on the study of Leo Tolstoy, “Tolstoy and Realism.” After this, Hu Feng translated an article entitled “The Essence of the Fiction” and translated a “novel” in a mass. Both are translated from “historical novels” in Lukacs. In the 1940s, some important writings of Lukacs were also published, such as “On Neo-Realism”, translated in Chun Jiang and published in “Literature Monthly” published by Chongqing (edited by Luo Sun); “Literary Superstition Wisdom Style, ”that“ on the artistic style of wisdom, ”Zhou line translation, published in Guilin published a literary publication (may be edited by Wang Xiyan“ literature and art ”, to be further verified),“ Narrative and Description ”
这篇演说原名《汉学的内涵与状况》(What and How Is Sinology?)当年曾以单行本面世,后载于美国唐代研究学会所编《唐学报》8—9辑(1990—1991)。译文有所删节,但较多保留了
编辑工作是一项复杂的富有创造性的工作,这种创造性主要表现在四个环节三个方面,而这四个环节三个方面构成了一个编辑创造的功能圈。 Editing is a complex and creative work
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