
来源 :美术观察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lbwang2009
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中国画分为人物、花鸟、山水三科。它们各司其职。人物掌管记忆,花鸟代表现实,山水彰显理想。所以,画人物要求凝神不散,画花鸟强调活泼多变,画山水追求宏大叙事。它们又依次代表了过去、现在和未来。历史上很多画家,专攻一门,又兼及它项,甚至诗词歌赋,无所不能,既说明他们对大的时间和空间跨度的控制能力,也说明他们强调了传统文化中融会贯通的通。本期[时代人物]冯远是改革开放三十年涌现出的优秀画家之一,他对人物画的探索和理论思考对当前中国画的发展有着重要的启示。[本期名家]舒建新近年来深入云南高原,创作了一系列生活气息浓厚的作品,对重新认识艺术和生活的关系也具有启示作用。 Chinese painting is divided into figures, flowers and birds, landscapes three subjects. They do their part. People in charge of memory, flowers and birds represent reality, landscape highlight ideal. Therefore, painting the character requires concentration, painting flowers and birds emphasize lively and changeable, painting landscape pursuit of grand narrative. They in turn represent the past, the present and the future. Many painters in history have devoted themselves to one task, even to poetry and poetry, and can do anything to illustrate their ability to control large spans of time and space. It also shows that they emphasize the mastery of traditional culture. Feng Yuan is one of the outstanding painters that emerged during the thirty years of reform and opening up. His exploration and theoretical thinking of figure painting have important implications for the development of contemporary Chinese painting. [Current Famous] Shu Jianxin went deep into the Yunnan Plateau in recent years and created a series of works with strong flavor of life. It also has an enlightenment on the re-understanding of the relationship between art and life.
给出了 4类华罗庚域的Bergman核函数的显表达式 .其关键之处有两点 :一是给出了它们的全纯自同构群 ;二是引进了semi Reinhardt域 ,并给出了它们的完备标准正交函数系 .在此基础上 ,给出了它们的Bergman核函数的显表达式 ,这也是方法上的创新之处 .
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对别人来说,这是一片毫无用处的老灌木林;但对这位老太太来说,这片小树林却是另有深意。这是一片什么样的心中天堂呢?让我们一同去探索! To others, this is a useless old