【摘 要】
有那么一群人,他们才华横溢,目光如炬,想象力丰沛;他们用手中的笔描摹世界的面容,录下时代的音符,捕捉人性的各面。他们就是作家。 也许,你对作家这个群体羡慕不已,他们的名字和作品在你的心中像星辰般灿烂闪烁。 也许,你对作家这个职业不屑一顾,觉得作家就是一群令人费解的怪人,思想古怪,性格古怪,行为言语同样古怪。 但不管“作家”二字给你的印象如何,不可否认的是,我们对这个群体都怀有一种莫名的好奇,
Reporter: Qatar is an 1)absolute monarchy. The AlThani family are the rulers and there’s no parliament. Qatar is the world’s biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas and on a 2)per capita basis, Qata
It’s been a cold damp winter, but Britain’s retail climate is showing signs of improving. New figures reveal the number of empty shops on the 1)high street has fallen to its lowest level in four years
新闻背景 在英国,饮酒的目的很简单,就是为了欣赏和享受美酒。由欧洲晴雨表民意调查机构开展的一项调查显示,英国人比欧洲其他国家的人都能喝酒,约12%的英国人承认自己一次能喝7杯以上。这与英国所处的地理位置及英国人的性格有关:第一,英国的天气阴霾多变,这让酒馆变成一个休闲的好去处;第二,英国人继承了祖先盎格鲁·撒克逊人豪放的性格,见酒必饮,一醉方休。这使得饮酒文化在英国非常盛行。英国大约有160万酗
Remember the last time you scolded your dog? He probably knew exactly what you meant. A new study shows that dogs and humans share a 1)cerebral link when it comes to vocal recognition. Using the same
Reporter: Maria Sharapova, the champion tennis star, is setting just as many records in the business world as she is on the court. I sat down with her at an event in New York, where she promoted her S
Interviewer 1: He’s James Bowen, and he’s here with his mate Bob today. James, it’s an amazing story. Once homeless recovering heroin addict...I mean, big time, and you met Bob at a really, really dar
下这个题目之后,我觉得有点不对劲:写作不能算是一件小事吧?还记得上学的时候,每次老师布置写作作业,我们的心都会猛然一沉,然后是哀嚎声、叹气声,满教室的怨念。 不知道写什么,不知道怎么写,不知道从哪里开始写……两眼发直地盯着面前的白纸或者空白的文档,焦虑指数随着deadline的逼近而直线上升…… 写作啊写作,为什么就这么难呢? 最近看到一本挺有意思的写作指南,叫做《关于写作——一只鸟接着一只
(Freddie and his friends have experienced Spring, Summer and Fall.) One day a very strange thing happened. The same breezes that, in the past, had made the leaves dance began to push and pull at thei
nd today we have a love story that started with a song. It was Brooklyn in the late 1950s. Jay McKnight and his friends spent summer evenings outside, singing 1)a cappella. And one night, Jay caught t
Host: We start by going back in time to 1837. Place yourself in South America in what was then called 1)British Guyana. We’re in a boat sailing along the 2)backwaters of one of the world’s largest riv